


设列表为[A, B, C]。然后我想要像[A, C, B]这样的排列,而不是[B, C, A],因为这将是原始列表[A, B, C]的循环排列。对于上面的列表,结果应该类似于

[A, B, C]
[A, C, B]
[B, A, C]
[C, B, A]


from itertools import permutations

def permutations_without_cycles(seq: list):
# Get a list of all permutations
permutations_all = list(permutations(seq))
print("nAll permutations:")
for i, p in enumerate(permutations_all):
print(i, "t", p)
# Get a list of all cyclic permutations
cyclic_permutations = [tuple(seq[i:] + seq[:i]) for i in range(len(seq))]
print("nAll cyclic permutations:")
for i, p in enumerate(cyclic_permutations):
print(i, "t", p)
# Remove all cyclic permutations except for one
cyclic_permutations = cyclic_permutations[1:]  # keep one cycle
permutations_cleaned = [p for p in permutations_all if p not in cyclic_permutations]
print("nCleaned permutations:")
for i, item in enumerate(permutations_cleaned):
print(i, "t", item)

def main():
seq = ["A", "B", "C"]

if __name__ == "__main__":





8 elements:
1.76 ±  0.07 ms  efficient
3.60 ±  0.76 ms  optimized_iter
4.65 ±  0.81 ms  optimized_takewhile
4.97 ±  0.43 ms  optimized_set
8.19 ±  0.31 ms  optimized_generator
21.42 ±  1.19 ms  original
9 elements:
13.11 ±  2.39 ms  efficient
34.37 ±  2.83 ms  optimized_iter
40.87 ±  4.49 ms  optimized_takewhile
46.74 ±  2.27 ms  optimized_set
78.79 ±  3.43 ms  optimized_generator
237.72 ±  5.76 ms  original
10 elements:
160.61 ±  4.58 ms  efficient
370.79 ± 14.71 ms  optimized_iter
492.95 ±  2.45 ms  optimized_takewhile
565.04 ±  9.68 ms  optimized_set
too slow  optimized_generator
too slow  original

代码(try This Online!):

from itertools import permutations, chain, islice, filterfalse, takewhile
from timeit import timeit
from statistics import mean, stdev
from collections import deque
# Your original, just without the prints/comments, and returning the result
def original(seq: list):
permutations_all = list(permutations(seq))
cyclic_permutations = [tuple(seq[i:] + seq[:i]) for i in range(len(seq))]
cyclic_permutations = cyclic_permutations[1:]
permutations_cleaned = [p for p in permutations_all if p not in cyclic_permutations]
return permutations_cleaned

# Your original with several optimizations
def optimized_set(seq: list): 
cyclic_permutations = {tuple(seq[i:] + seq[:i]) for i in range(1, len(seq))}
return filterfalse(cyclic_permutations.__contains__, permutations(seq))

# Further optimized to filter by just the single next unwanted permutation
def optimized_iter(seq: list):
def parts():
it = permutations(seq)
yield next(it),
for i in range(1, len(seq)):
skip = tuple(seq[i:] + seq[:i])
yield iter(it.__next__, skip)
yield it
return chain.from_iterable(parts())

# Another way to filter by just the single next unwanted permutation
def optimized_takewhile(seq: list):
def parts():
it = permutations(seq)
yield next(it),
for i in range(1, len(seq)):
skip = tuple(seq[i:] + seq[:i])
yield takewhile(skip.__ne__, it)
yield it
return chain.from_iterable(parts())

# Yet another way to filter by just the single next unwanted permutation
def optimized_generator(seq: list):
perms = permutations(seq)
yield next(perms)
for i in range(1, len(seq)):
skip = tuple(seq[i:] + seq[:i])
for perm in perms:
if perm == skip:
yield perm
yield from perms

# Compute the indexes of the unwanted permutations and islice between them
def efficient(seq):
def parts():
perms = permutations(seq)
yield next(perms),
perms_index = 1
n = len(seq)
for rotation in range(1, n):
index = 0
for i in range(n, 1, -1):
index = index * i + rotation * (i > rotation)
yield islice(perms, index - perms_index)
perms_index = index + 1
yield perms
return chain.from_iterable(parts())

funcs = original, optimized_generator, optimized_set, optimized_iter, optimized_takewhile, efficient

#--- Correctness checks
seq = ["A", "B", "C"]
for f in funcs:
print(*f(seq), f.__name__)
seq = 3,1,4,5,9,2,6
for f in funcs:
assert list(f(seq)) == original(seq)
for n in range(9):
seq = list(range(n))
for f in funcs:
assert list(f(seq)) == original(seq)

#--- Speed tests
def test(seq, funcs):
print(len(seq), 'elements:')
times = {f: [] for f in funcs}
def stats(f):
ts = [t * 1e3 for t in sorted(times[f])[:5]]
return f'{mean(ts):6.2f} ± {stdev(ts):5.2f} ms '
for _ in range(25):
for f in funcs:
t = timeit(lambda: deque(f(seq), 0), number=1)
for f in sorted(funcs, key=stats):
print(stats(f), f.__name__)
test(list(range(8)), funcs)
test(list(range(9)), funcs)
test(list(range(10)), funcs[2:])


不严格证明:任何排列{i1,i2,…,iN},第k个元素ik=1,可以通过循环置换变换为{1,j2,…,jN} (j2=i(k+1),j3=i(k+2),…)。排列{1,j2,…,jN}唯一地表示循环排列的轨道。因此,N-1个元素{j2,…,jN}表示N个不与循环相关的元素的排列轨道。

最简单的说服自己的方法是计算维度(元素的数量):Dim[N的所有排列]= N!Dim[循环排列]= NDim[不与圈相关的N的排列]= N!/n = (n -1)!= Dim[N-1的所有排列]

那么你需要做的是:0. 给定的列表("1","2",…,"N"]

  1. 流行第一个元素("2",…,"N"]
  2. 计算所有排列("2","3"…,"N"],["3","2"…,"N"]…
  3. 附加"1";每个列表("1","2","3"…,"N"],["1","3"、"2"…,"N"]…


