包更新后Cypress e2e的问题






rules: {
'aria-required-children': { enabled: false },

在IDE cy.checkAlly给了我一个错误陈述:

TS2345: Argument of type '{ rules: { 'aria-required-children': { enabled: boolean; }; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Options'.   Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'rules' does not exist in type 'Options'.


interface RuleObject {
[key: string]: {
enabled: boolean;




@ag-grid-community/angular                         23.2.1  →    25.0.1
@ag-grid-community/client-side-row-model           23.2.1  →    25.0.1
@ag-grid-community/core                            23.2.1  →    25.0.1
@ag-grid-enterprise/core                           23.2.1  →    25.0.1
@ag-grid-enterprise/rich-select                    23.2.1  →    25.0.1
@angular/animations                                11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@angular/cdk                                       10.1.1  →    11.1.0
@angular/cdk-experimental                          11.0.2  →    11.1.0
@angular/common                                    11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@angular/compiler                                  11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@angular/core                                      11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@angular/forms                                     11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@angular/material                                  10.1.1  →    11.1.0
@angular/platform-browser                          11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic                  11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@angular/router                                    11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@azure/msal-browser                                 2.1.0  →     2.9.0
@azure/msal-common                                  1.2.0  →     2.1.0
@graphile-contrib/pg-simplify-inflector             6.0.0  →     6.1.0
@nestjs/common                                      7.3.2  →     7.6.5
@nestjs/core                                        7.3.2  →     7.6.5
@nestjs/graphql                                     7.4.1  →     7.9.6
@nestjs/platform-express                            7.3.2  →     7.6.5
@nestjs/serve-static                                2.1.3  →     2.1.4
@nrwl/angular                                     11.0.16  →    11.1.5
ajv                                                6.12.4  →     7.0.3
apollo-angular                                      1.8.0  →     2.2.0
apollo-angular-link-http                            1.9.0  →    1.11.0
apollo-cache-inmemory                               1.6.0  →     1.6.6
apollo-client                                       2.6.0  →    2.6.10
apollo-link                                        1.2.11  →    1.2.14
apollo-server-express                              2.11.0  →    2.19.2
axios                                              0.21.0  →    0.21.1
class-transformer                                   0.2.3  →     0.3.2
class-validator                                    0.12.2  →    0.13.1
core-js                                             3.6.4  →     3.8.3
file-saver                                          2.0.2  →     2.0.5
fs-extra                                            9.0.1  →     9.1.0
graphile-build                                      4.7.0  →    4.10.0
graphql                                            14.7.0  →    15.4.0
graphql-middleware                                  4.0.2  →     6.0.2
graphql-request                              2.1.0-next.1  →     3.4.0
graphql-shield                                      7.4.2  →     7.5.0
graphql-tag                                        2.10.3  →    2.11.0
graphql-tools                                      6.0.10  →     7.0.2
lodash                                            4.17.15  →   4.17.20
msal                                                1.4.0  →     1.4.4
node-mocks-http                                     1.9.0  →    1.10.1
pako                                               1.0.11  →     2.0.3
pg                                                  8.0.3  →     8.5.1
pg-sql2                                             4.7.0  →     4.9.0
postgraphile                                        4.7.0  →    4.10.0
postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter               2.0.0  →     2.1.1
rxjs                                                6.5.5  →     6.6.3
tslib                                               2.0.0  →     2.1.0
typeface-titillium-web                             0.0.72  →    1.1.13
yargs                                              15.4.1  →    16.2.0
zone.js                                            0.10.3  →    0.11.3
@angular-devkit/build-angular                    0.1100.5  →  0.1101.0
@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin                0.8.0-beta.6  →     1.1.0
@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template       0.8.0-beta.6  →     1.1.0
@angular-eslint/template-parser              0.8.0-beta.6  →     1.1.0
@angular/cli                                       11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@angular/compiler-cli                              11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@angular/language-service                          11.0.5  →    11.1.0
@graphql-codegen/cli                               1.15.4  →    1.20.0
@graphql-codegen/typescript-apollo-angular         1.15.4  →     2.2.1
@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request        1.17.7  →     3.0.0
@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations             1.15.4  →   1.17.13
@nestjs/cli                                         7.4.1  →     7.5.4
@nestjs/schematics                                  7.0.0  →     7.2.6
@nestjs/testing                                     7.3.2  →     7.6.5
@nrwl/cypress                                     11.0.16  →    11.1.5
@nrwl/eslint-plugin-nx                            11.0.16  →    11.1.5
@nrwl/jest                                        11.0.16  →    11.1.5
@nrwl/nest                                        11.0.16  →    11.1.5
@nrwl/node                                        11.0.16  →    11.1.5
@nrwl/storybook                                   11.0.16  →    11.1.5
@nrwl/workspace                                   11.0.16  →    11.1.5
@storybook/addon-actions                           6.0.21  →    6.1.14
@storybook/addon-controls                          6.0.21  →    6.1.14
@storybook/angular                                 6.1.11  →    6.1.14
@types/cypress-image-snapshot                       3.1.2  →     3.1.3
@types/jest                                        26.0.7  →   26.0.20
@types/lodash                                    4.14.158  →  4.14.168
@types/node                                      12.12.38  →  14.14.22
@types/pg                                          7.14.3  →    7.14.9
@types/webpack                                    4.41.21  →   4.41.26
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin                    4.3.0  →    4.14.0
@typescript-eslint/parser                           4.3.0  →    4.14.0
axe-core                                            3.5.5  →     4.1.1
cross-env                                           7.0.2  →     7.0.3
cypress                                             5.3.0  →     6.3.0
cypress-axe                                         0.8.1  →    0.12.0
cypress-image-snapshot                              3.1.1  →     4.0.0
eslint                                              7.6.0  →    7.18.0
eslint-config-prettier                              7.1.0  →     7.2.0
eslint-plugin-jsdoc                                30.7.6  →    31.0.8
husky                                               4.3.0  →     4.3.8
jest                                               26.1.0  →    26.6.3
jest-createspyobj                                   1.2.2  →     2.0.0
jest-preset-angular                                 8.3.1  →     8.3.2
prettier                                            2.0.5  →     2.2.1
start-server-and-test                              1.11.2  →    1.11.7
ts-json-schema-generator                           0.72.1  →    0.83.2
typescript                                          4.0.3  →     4.0.5


cy.configureAxe( {
rules: {
'aria-required-children': { enabled: false },

