如何在装饰器中使用pytest fixture,而不将其作为装饰函数的参数

  • 本文关键字:函数 参数 fixture pytest python pytest
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  1. 进口自动
  2. 手动导入

手工导入是微不足道的。我只需要全局注册测试数据,然后可以根据其名称在测试中访问它,自动导入更棘手,因为它应该使用pytest fixture。


@RegisterTestData("some identifier")
def test_automatic_import(): # everything works automatic, so no import fixture is needed
    # Verify that the test data was correctly imported in the test system
@RegisterTestData("some identifier", direct_import=False)
def test_manual_import(my_import_fixture):
    # Verify that the test data was correctly imported in the test system



class RegisterTestData:
    # global testdata registry
    testdata_identifier_map = {} # Dict[str, List[str]]
    def __init__(self, testdata_identifier, direct_import = True):
        self.testdata_identifier = testdata_identifier
        self.direct_import = direct_import
        self._always_pass_my_import_fixture = False
    def __call__(self, func):
        if func.__name__ in RegisterTestData.testdata_identifier_map:
            RegisterTestData.testdata_identifier_map[func.__name__] = [self.testdata_identifier]
        # We need to know if we decorate the original function, or if it was already
        # decorated with another RegisterTestData decorator. This is necessary to 
        # determine if the direct_import fixture needs to be passed down or not
        if getattr(func, "_decorated_with_register_testdata", False):
            self._always_pass_my_import_fixture = True
        setattr(func, "_decorated_with_register_testdata", True)
        @pytest.mark.usefixtures("my_import_fixture") # register the fixture to the test in case it doesn't have it as argument
        def wrapper(*args: Any, my_import_fixture, **kwargs: Any):
            # Because of the signature of the wrapper, my_import_fixture is not part
            # of the kwargs which is passed to the decorated function. In case the
            # decorated function has my_import_fixture in the signature we need to pack
            # it back into the **kwargs. This is always and especially true for the
            # wrapper itself even if the decorated function does not have
            # my_import_fixture in its signature
            if self._always_pass_my_import_fixture or any(
                "hana_import" in p.name for p in signature(func).parameters.values()
                kwargs["hana_import"] = hana_import
            if self.direct_import:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper


def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config: Config, items: List[Item]) -> None:
    for item in items:
        if item.name in RegisterTestData.testdata_identifier_map and "my_import_fixture" not in item._fixtureinfo.argnames:
            # Hack to trick pytest into thinking the my_import_fixture is part of the argument list of the original function
            # Only works because of @pytest.mark.usefixtures("my_import_fixture") in the decorator
            item._fixtureinfo.argnames = item._fixtureinfo.argnames + ("my_import_fixture",)


class MyImporter:
    def __init__(self, request):
        self._test_name = request.function.__name__
        self._testdata_identifiers = (
            if self._test_name in RegisterTestData.testdata_identifier_map
            else []
    def import_all(self):
        for testdata_identifier in self._testdata_identifiers:
    def import_data(self, testdata_identifier):
        if testdata_identifier not in self._testdata_identifiers: #if someone wants to manually import single testdata
            raise Exception(f"{import_metadata.identifier} is not registered. Please register it with the @RegisterTestData decorator on {self._test_name}")
        # Do the actual import logic here

def my_import_fixture(request /*some other fixtures*/):
    # Do some configuration with help of the other fixtures
    importer = MyImporter(request)
        yield importer
        # Do some cleanup logic

现在我的问题是,是否有更好(更pytest native)的方法来做到这一点。以前有一个类似的问题,但是从来没有得到回答,我将把我的问题链接到它,因为它本质上描述了一种如何解决它的hack方法(至少使用pytest 6.1.2和python 3.7.1的行为)。

有些人可能会争辩说,我可以删除fixture并在decorator中创建MyImporter对象。然后,对于request fixture,我将面临同样的问题,但可以简单地通过将func.__name__而不是request fixture传递给构造函数来避免这个问题。




  def wrapper(*args: Any, my_import_fixture, **kwargs: Any):
    . . .



  def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
    # Pytest will pass `my_import_fixture` in kwargs.
    # If the wrapped func needs `my_import_fixture` then we need to keep it in kwargs.
    # If func doesn't expect a `my_import_fixture` argument then we need to remove it from kwargs.
    if 'my_import_fixture' in inspect.signature(func).parameters.keys():
      my_import_fixture = kwargs['my_import_fixture']
      my_import_fixture = kwargs.pop('my_import_fixture')
    # Do whatever it is you need to do with `my_import_fixture` here.
    # I'm omitting that specific logic from this answer
    # . . .
    # Now call the wrapped func with the correct arguments
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  # If the wrapped func already uses the `my_import_fixture` fixture
  # then we don't need to do anything.  `my_import_fixture` will already be
  # part of the wrapper's signature.
  # If wrapped doesn't use `my_import_fixture` we need to add it to the
  # signature of the wrapper in a way that pytest will notice.
  if 'my_import_fixture' not in inspect.signature(func).parameters.keys():
    original_signature = inspect.signature(func)
    wrapper.__signature__ = original_signature.replace(
        list(original_signature.parameters.values()) +
        [inspect.Parameter('my_import_fixture', inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)]
  return wrapper

PEP-362解释了这是如何工作的。感谢@Andrej Kesely,他回答了相关问题。

抱歉-我已经简化了代码一点,因为我解决的问题与您的问题略有不同(我需要包装器访问request fixture,即使包装的测试用例没有使用它)。同样的解决方案应该适用于您。
