

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from inspect import currentframe
key = "kdQGjocgILOLXj6k_mkkOJOxHxXJji7kdRUTtrGZBTo="
f = Fernet(key)

def get_linenumber():
cf = currentframe()
return cf.f_back.f_lineno

def Main():
choice = input("1. Write Raw Data To File For Encryptionn2. Read Data From File For DecryptionnnEnter Option Here: ")
if choice == "1":
print("Init Main Successfull On Line ", get_linenumber())
File = open(r"D:Visual Studio ProjectsPython ProjSecure Note Storage ProjectFile.txt",mode="a")

FileToEncrypt = bytes(input("Input data to encrypt, Note it will be stored as a string, then heavily encrypted with SHA-256.n"),'utf-8')
print("nSuccesfully printed File To Encrypt data on line ",get_linenumber,"nData From FileToEncrypt Var: ",FileToEncrypt)

FileEncrypted = f.encrypt(FileToEncrypt)
print("nnHere is the final product: ",FileEncrypted)
EncryptionDescription = input("What Is The Data Entered. (Explain For Future Reference!!!)nnEnter Here: ")
File.write(f"{EncryptionDescription}n" + str(FileEncrypted))


elif choice == "2":
print("nnYou Have Chosen Decryption Method!n")
File = open(r"D:Visual Studio ProjectsPython ProjSecure Note Storage ProjectFile.txt",mode="r")

for line in File:
name = line.strip()
num = File.readline()
num = Fernet.decrypt(f,num)
print (num)

print("Sorry, We Do Not Recognise What You Have Entered. Please look at the options and think...")

###Debug Shit
#print(Fernet.generate_key()) # so i can find one key and keep it static:) 
# print(File.read())
#  print("File Print Successfull On Line ", get_linenumber())
# File.write("nRawrar")

if __name__ == "__main__":


此外,在将数据写入文件时,您可能还想添加另一个换行符。否则,如果多次附加到同一个文件,您将面临问题File.write(f"{EncryptionDescription}n" + FileEncrypted + "n")您还需要确保在加载此数据时,使用bytes(str, 'utf-8')再次将其转换为字节。

现在您的数据已正确保存到File.txt文件中,您现在可以对数据进行解码了。但是,根据文档,由于您没有在解密函数调用中传递时间戳,您仍然会面临错误。从本质上讲,我找到了两种方法来做到这一点。一种简单的方法是调用具有非常高数字的函数作为ttl参数,如下所示:print(Fernet.decrypt(f,bytes(num, "utf-8"), 1000000))
正确的方法是根据文档使用函数extract_timestamp()。我像encryptionTimeStamp = Fernet.extract_timestamp(f, bytes(num, 'utf-8'))一样成功地实现了它
这样做将获得加密时的unix时间戳。ttl参数是加密后的秒数;当前unix时间戳-加密时的unix时间戳";并将其作为CCD_ 10参数传递。

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from inspect import currentframe
import time
key = "kdQGjocgILOLXj6k_mkkOJOxHxXJji7kdRUTtrGZBTo="
f = Fernet(key)

def get_linenumber():
cf = currentframe()
return cf.f_back.f_lineno

def Main():
choice = input("1. Write Raw Data To File For Encryptionn2. Read Data From File For DecryptionnnEnter Option Here: ")
if choice == "1":
print("Init Main Successfull On Line ", get_linenumber())
File = open(r"File.txt",mode="a")

FileToEncrypt = bytes(input("Input data to encrypt, Note it will be stored as a string, then heavily encrypted with SHA-256.n"),'utf-8')
print("nSuccesfully printed File To Encrypt data on line ",get_linenumber,"nData From FileToEncrypt Var: ",FileToEncrypt)

FileEncrypted = f.encrypt(FileToEncrypt)
FileEncrypted = FileEncrypted.decode()
print("nnHere is the final product: ",FileEncrypted)
EncryptionDescription = input("What Is The Data Entered. (Explain For Future Reference!!!)nnEnter Here: ")
File.write(f"{EncryptionDescription}n" + FileEncrypted + "n")


elif choice == "2":
print("nnYou Have Chosen Decryption Method!n")
File = open(r"File.txt",mode="r")

for line in File:
name = line.strip()
num = File.readline()
numBytes = bytes(num, 'utf-8')
encryptionTimeStamp = Fernet.extract_timestamp(f, numBytes)
currentTime = int(time.time())
timeElapsed = currentTime - encryptionTimeStamp
print( Fernet.decrypt(f,numBytes, timeElapsed))

print("Sorry, We Do Not Recognise What You Have Entered. Please look at the options and think...")

###Debug Shit
#print(Fernet.generate_key()) # so i can find one key and keep it static:) 
# print(File.read())
#  print("File Print Successfull On Line ", get_linenumber())
# File.write("nRawrar")

if __name__ == "__main__":
