
当我使用Scikit learn的SVR来拟合一些自己的数据时,训练的估计器最终不包含支持向量,因此预测总是恒定的值。令我惊讶的是,当使用一些随机的训练数据时,同样的代码可以完美地工作。我的代码有什么问题?数据有问题吗?(我也有很多其他数据显示同样的问题。)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputRegressor
from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge
from sklearn.svm import SVR
# Random training data - works fine with both estimators
X = np.random.rand(50, 3) * 100
Y = [[np.sum(x), np.average(x)] for x in X]
# Kernel Ridge - works fine with both data
kernelRidgePipeline = Pipeline([('scale', StandardScaler()),
('KernelRidge', KernelRidge(kernel='poly'))])
kernelRidgeGridsearch = GridSearchCV(kernelRidgePipeline, n_jobs=-1,
param_grid={'KernelRidge__alpha': 10.0 ** -np.arange(1, 8),
'KernelRidge__degree': range(1, 5)}), Y)
print('Trained Kernel Ridge, cross-validation score: {:.2%}'.format(kernelRidgeGridsearch.best_score_))
# SVR - works fine with random data, empty support vectors after training with fixed data
SVRPipeline = Pipeline([('scale', StandardScaler()),
('SVR', MultiOutputRegressor(SVR(kernel='rbf')))])
SVRGridsearch = GridSearchCV(SVRPipeline, n_jobs=-1,
param_grid={'SVR__estimator__C': np.logspace(-3, 3, 7),
'SVR__estimator__gamma': np.logspace(-3, 3, 7)}), Y)
print('Trained SVR, cross-validation score: {:.2%}'.format(SVRGridsearch.best_score_))
best_svr_pipe = SVRGridsearch.best_estimator_
print([(estimator, estimator.support_vectors_) for estimator in best_svr_pipe.named_steps['SVR'].estimators_])


Trained Kernel Ridge, cross-validation score: 100.00%
Trained SVR, cross-validation score: 100.00%
[(SVR(C=1000.0, gamma=0.001), array([[-0.63418505, -1.59107071, -0.24340053],
[-1.65336124, -0.57465634, -1.6026979 ],
[-1.18120827,  0.82189646, -1.78927989],
[-0.95929744,  1.56254011,  1.02792552],


# Own data - does not work with SVR
X = [[0.0009804, 0.004533 , 0.01827  , 0.007706 , 0.03145  , 0.01904  ],
[0.05073  , 0.03821  , 0.03137  , 0.00321  , 0.04469  , 0.033    ],
[0.03696  , 0.00544  , 0.04304  , 0.03579  , 0.01125  , 0.04032  ],
[0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.0      ],
[0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.0      , 0.01897  ],
[0.04704  , 0.02259  , 0.03783  , 0.008367 , 0.04813  , 0.05104  ],
[0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.01897  ],
[0.0      , 0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.01897  ],
[0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.0515   ],
[0.03163  , 0.02566  , 0.01027  , 0.02068  , 0.006748 , 0.02103  ],
[0.003292 , 0.03846  , 0.02204  , 0.01941  , 0.01632  , 0.002126 ],
[0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.0515   ],
[0.0452   , 0.02487  , 0.0425   , 0.007782 , 0.001749 , 0.01841  ],
[0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0515   ],
[0.0515   , 0.0      , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.0515   ],
[0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.0515   , 0.0      , 0.01897  ],
[0.0      , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.0      , 0.01897  ],
[0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.01897  ],
[0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.0      , 0.0515   ],
[0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.0515   ],
[0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.0      , 0.0      , 0.0515   ],
[0.04883  , 0.02794  , 0.01418  , 0.03165  , 0.01753  , 0.007313 ],
[0.01073  , 0.009494 , 0.03339  , 0.001327 , 0.01707  , 0.01588  ],
[0.04193  , 0.03918  , 0.007814 , 0.03498  , 0.002789 , 0.03957  ],
[0.04872  , 0.04928  , 0.01344  , 0.03339  , 0.02326  , 0.02606  ],
[0.00997  , 0.00993  , 0.03386  , 0.01935  , 0.006923 , 0.02288  ],
[0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.0      , 0.0515   ],
[0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.0      ],
[0.008615 , 0.001054 , 0.04226  , 0.007394 , 0.002071 , 0.01514  ],
[0.006528 , 0.04534  , 0.004602 , 0.01214  , 0.04099  , 0.02716  ],
[0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.0      , 0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.0515   ],
[0.04717  , 0.04847  , 0.02927  , 0.02849  , 0.04382  , 0.01184  ],
[0.02146  , 0.03994  , 0.005115 , 0.02845  , 0.03113  , 0.02515  ],
[0.003326 , 0.002409 , 0.04982  , 0.03079  , 0.02167  , 0.0116   ],
[0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.01897  ],
[0.02106  , 0.01718  , 0.02647  , 0.01066  , 0.02419  , 0.002777 ],
[0.02533  , 0.008516 , 0.05118  , 0.04527  , 0.008341 , 0.0012   ],
[0.04721  , 0.001682 , 0.04941  , 0.0431   , 0.01283  , 0.03503  ],
[0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.0515   , 0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.0515   ],
[0.0      , 0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.0515   , 0.01897  ],
[0.0      , 0.0      , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.0515   ],
[0.0386   , 0.01649  , 0.02286  , 0.03572  , 0.005517 , 0.00382  ],
[0.02654  , 0.01036  , 0.04756  , 0.04297  , 0.03086  , 0.03606  ],
[0.01222  , 0.03092  , 0.01132  , 0.00487  , 0.0192   , 0.002185 ],
[0.04892  , 0.03272  , 0.03173  , 0.04939  , 0.007464 , 0.02107  ],
[0.0      , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0515   ],
[0.0515   , 0.01897  , 0.0515   , 0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.0      ],
[0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.0515   ],
[0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.0      , 0.01897  , 0.01897  , 0.01897  ],
[0.049    , 0.02872  , 0.01126  , 0.03502  , 0.04904  , 0.04057  ]]
Y = [[0.008053 , 0.003143 , 0.006198 , 0.005975 , 0.008053 ],
[0.007296 , 0.002185 , 0.003862 , 0.003294 , 0.007296 ],
[0.006632 , 0.001999 , 0.005249 , 0.003463 , 0.006632 ],
[0.01035  , 0.004031 , 0.006534 , 0.005148 , 0.01035  ],
[0.007918 , 0.002983 , 0.005321 , 0.00498  , 0.007918 ],
[0.006595 , 0.001628 , 0.003932 , 0.002831 , 0.006595 ],
[0.007923 , 0.003134 , 0.005321 , 0.005976 , 0.007923 ],
[0.009137 , 0.003162 , 0.006538 , 0.006061 , 0.009137 ],
[0.005462 , 0.001916 , 0.004102 , 0.004758 , 0.005462 ],
[0.009059 , 0.002799 , 0.00489  , 0.004375 , 0.009059 ],
[0.007887 , 0.004124 , 0.005531 , 0.006745 , 0.007887 ],
[0.007924 , 0.001586 , 0.002859 , 0.002664 , 0.007924 ],
[0.008681 , 0.00287  , 0.005059 , 0.004109 , 0.008681 ],
[0.006705 , 0.001586 , 0.002859 , 0.002664 , 0.006705 ],
[0.007893 , 0.001608 , 0.005319 , 0.002746 , 0.007893 ],
[0.009136 , 0.003134 , 0.005321 , 0.005976 , 0.009136 ],
[0.01035  , 0.003072 , 0.004077 , 0.005832 , 0.01035  ],
[0.005462 , 0.002805 , 0.004077 , 0.003883 , 0.005462 ],
[0.006675 , 0.0016   , 0.004102 , 0.002717 , 0.006675 ],
[0.009137 , 0.001731 , 0.002859 , 0.003662 , 0.009137 ],
[0.01157  , 0.0016   , 0.004102 , 0.002717 , 0.01157  ],
[0.007688 , 0.00351  , 0.005578 , 0.004669 , 0.007688 ],
[0.008482 , 0.003219 , 0.006034 , 0.005567 , 0.008482 ],
[0.00888  , 0.001983 , 0.003592 , 0.003275 , 0.00888  ],
[0.007375 , 0.002475 , 0.003798 , 0.003609 , 0.007375 ],
[0.007945 , 0.002865 , 0.005647 , 0.005245 , 0.007945 ],
[0.007918 , 0.001765 , 0.004102 , 0.003762 , 0.007918 ],
[0.007893 , 0.004163 , 0.00529  , 0.006093 , 0.007893 ],
[0.00869  , 0.003287 , 0.006663 , 0.005751 , 0.00869  ],
[0.00827  , 0.002649 , 0.003866 , 0.005098 , 0.00827  ],
[0.006704 , 0.001586 , 0.002859 , 0.002664 , 0.006704 ],
[0.005992 , 0.00322  , 0.004561 , 0.004387 , 0.005992 ],
[0.007765 , 0.002648 , 0.00413  , 0.004514 , 0.007765 ],
[0.006768 , 0.00354  , 0.006768 , 0.006256 , 0.00605  ],
[0.005976 , 0.003134 , 0.005321 , 0.005976 , 0.005487 ],
[0.007775 , 0.003974 , 0.006419 , 0.005899 , 0.007775 ],
[0.007052 , 0.004071 , 0.007052 , 0.00587  , 0.006263 ],
[0.0061   , 0.002139 , 0.005705 , 0.003364 , 0.0061   ],
[0.007893 , 0.001781 , 0.00532  , 0.003819 , 0.007893 ],
[0.005832 , 0.003072 , 0.004077 , 0.005832 , 0.004244 ],
[0.005462 , 0.001944 , 0.00532  , 0.004843 , 0.005462 ],
[0.007806 , 0.003801 , 0.006381 , 0.005206 , 0.007806 ],
[0.005274 , 0.0022   , 0.005072 , 0.003956 , 0.005274 ],
[0.009198 , 0.004064 , 0.005813 , 0.006297 , 0.009198 ],
[0.00685  , 0.002716 , 0.004588 , 0.003867 , 0.00685  ],
[0.006705 , 0.001854 , 0.002859 , 0.004614 , 0.006705 ],
[0.007893 , 0.004031 , 0.006534 , 0.005148 , 0.007893 ],
[0.009137 , 0.001916 , 0.004102 , 0.004758 , 0.009137 ],
[0.009141 , 0.002983 , 0.005321 , 0.00498  , 0.009141 ],
[0.006505 , 0.001927 , 0.003962 , 0.003081 , 0.006505 ]]


Trained Kernel Ridge, cross-validation score: 96.32%
Trained SVR, cross-validation score: -46.40%
[(SVR(C=0.001, gamma=0.001), array([], shape=(0, 6), dtype=float64)), (SVR(C=0.001, gamma=0.001), array([], shape=(0, 6), dtype=float64)), (SVR(C=0.001, gamma=0.001), array([], shape=(0, 6), dtype=float64)), (SVR(C=0.001, gamma=0.001), array([], shape=(0, 6), dtype=float64)), (SVR(C=0.001, gamma=0.001), array([], shape=(0, 6), dtype=float64))]






('SVR', MultiOutputRegressor(SVR(kernel='rbf', epsilon=0.0001)))



