

<form class="main" id="main">
<div class="segment">
<h1>PokéDex v.2</h1>
<input type="text" id="type-input" placeholder="Input Pokemon Type">
<button class="red" type="button submit" id="submit" value="Submit"><i class="icon ion-md-lock"></i>
<div class="popup-wrapper">
<div class="popup">
<div class="popup-close">X</div>
<div class="popup-content" id="content">
<p>weakness: <span id="weakness">Error</span></p>
<div id="weakImg"></div>
<p>resistance: <span id="resistance">Error</span></p>
<div id="resImg"></div>
<div class="pokemon" id="pokemon"></div>

const form = document.querySelector("#main");
const blink = document.querySelector("#type-input");
const button = document.querySelector("#submit");
const heading = document.querySelector("h1");
const popup = document.querySelector(".popup-wrapper");
const close = document.querySelector(".popup-close");
const weakness = document.getElementById("weakness");
const resistance = document.getElementById("resistance");
const weakImg = document.getElementById("weakImg");
const resImg = document.getElementById("resImg");
const types = [
type: "normal",
weakness: "fighting",
resistance: "none",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/normal.svg',
type: "fighting",
weakness: "flying, psychic, fairy",
resistance: "dark, rock, bug",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/fighting.svg',
type: "flying",
weakness: "rock, electric, ice",
resistance: "fighting, bug, grass",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/flying.svg',
type: "poison",
weakness: "ground, psychic",
resistance: "fighting, poison, bug, grass, fairy",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/poison.svg',
type: "ground",
weakness: "water, grass, ice",
resistance: "poison, rock",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/ground.svg',
type: "rock",
weakness: "fighting, ground, steel, water, grass",
resistance: "normal, flying, poison, fire",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/rock.svg',
type: "bug",
weakness: "flying, rock, fire",
resistance: "fighting, ground, grass",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/bug.svg',
type: "ghost",
weakness: "ghost, dark",
resistance: "poison, bug",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/ghost.svg',
type: "steel",
weakness: "fighting, ground, fire",
"normal, flying, rock, bug, steel, grass, psychic, ice, dragon, fairy",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/steel.svg',
type: "fire",
weakness: "ground, rock, water",
resistance: "bug, steel, fire, grass, ice, fairy",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/fire.svg',
type: "water",
weakness: "grass, electric",
resistance: "steel, fire, water, ice",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/water.svg',
type: "grass",
weakness: "flying, poison, bug, fire, ice",
resistance: "ground, water, grass, electric",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/grass.svg',
type: "electric",
weakness: "ground",
resistance: "flying, steel, electric",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/electric.svg',
type: "psychic",
weakness: "bug, ghost, dark",
resistance: "fighting, psychic",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/psychic.svg',
type: "ice",
weakness: "fighting, rock, steel, fire",
resistance: "ice",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/ice.svg',
type: "dragon",
weakness: "ice, dragon, fairy",
resistance: "fire, water, grass, electric",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/dragon.svg',
type: "dark",
weakness: "fighting, bug, fairy",
resistance: "ghost, dark",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/dark.svg',
type: "fairy",
weakness: "poison, ghost, dragon",
resistance: "fighting, bug, dark",
imgFile: 'icon-set/icons/fairy.svg',
findType = (input) => {
let obj = types.find((o) => o.type == input);
return obj ? obj.weakness : console.log("Error");
findRes = (input) => {
let obj2 = types.find((o) => o.type == input);
return obj2 ? obj2.resistance : console.log("Error");
findImg = (input) => {
let objI = types.find((o) => o.type == input);
return objI ? objI.imgFile : console.log("No Image Loaded");
getImage = (input) => { 
let img = new Image(); 
weakImg.innerHTML =  img;

// what if we dynamically insert the image element instead of removing a hidden class in the html?

// findType = (input) => {
//  if( types.includes(`${input}`)){
//   weakness.innerText = findType(input);
//  };
// };
// let results = [];
// Event Listeners
button.addEventListener("click", () => {
//   console.log("You clicked me!");
popup.style.display = "block";
blink.style.display = "none";
close.addEventListener("click", () => {
popup.style.display = "none";
popup.addEventListener("click", () => {
popup.style.display = "none";
form.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {
let input = document.getElementById("type-input").value.toLowerCase().trim();
// let image = types.find(type => type.imgFile);
// console.log(image);
// getImage(image);

// console.log(findType(input));
weakness.innerText = findType(input);

resistance.innerText = findRes(input);
// weakImg.innerHTML = `<img src="${input.image}" />` ;
// popup.innerHTML = `${input}.classList.remove("hide")`;
blink.style.display = "block";

在弹出窗口中添加img,并在出现时设置src。简而言之,将img src更改为要显示的元素的src。
