

use itertools::Itertools;
pub struct Grid<T> {
width: usize,
height: usize,
items: Vec<T>,
impl<T> Grid<T> {
pub fn new(width: usize, height: usize, initializer: impl Fn() -> T) -> Self {
Self {
items: (0..height * width).map(|_| initializer()).collect(),
pub fn width(&self) -> usize {
pub fn height(&self) -> usize {
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
self.width * self.height
pub fn get(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> Result<&T, &str> {
if self.on_grid(x as isize, y as isize) {
Ok(&self.items[self.coordinate_to_index(x, y)])
} else {
Err("coordinate not on grid")
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) -> Result<&mut T, &str> {
if self.on_grid(x as isize, y as isize) {
let index = self.coordinate_to_index(x, y);
Ok(&mut self.items[index])
} else {
Err("coordinate not on grid")
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut T> {
pub fn enumerate(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize, &T)> {
self.items.iter().enumerate().map(|(index, item)| {
let (x, y) = self.index_to_coordinate(index);
(x, y, item)
pub fn enumerate_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize, &mut T)> {
self.items.iter_mut().enumerate().map(move |(index, item)| {
let (x, y) = self.index_to_coordinate(index);
(x, y, item)
pub fn neighbors(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize, &T)> {
self.neighbor_indices(x, y)
.map(|(x, y)| (x, y, &self.items[self.coordinate_to_index(x, y)]))
fn coordinate_to_index(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> usize {
y * self.width + x
fn index_to_coordinate(&self, index: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
let x = index % self.width;
let y = (index - x) / self.width;
(x, y)
fn neighbor_indices(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize)> + '_ {
.map(move |item| (x as isize + item[0], y as isize + item[1]))
.filter(|&(x, y)| self.on_grid(x, y))
.map(|(dx, dy)| (dx as usize, dy as usize))
fn on_grid(&self, x: isize, y: isize) -> bool {
0 <= x && x < self.width as isize && 0 <= y && y < self.height as isize
fn neighbor_offsets(dimension: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = Vec<isize>> {
.map(|index| index as isize)
// skip zero offset
.filter(|items| !items.iter().all(|&item| item == 0))


name = "grid"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
itertools = "*"


$ cargo build
Compiling either v1.8.0
Compiling itertools v0.10.5
Compiling grid v0.1.0 (/home/neumann/Projekte/grid)
error[E0505]: cannot move out of `self` because it is borrowed
--> src/lib.rs:64:47
63 |       pub fn enumerate_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize, &mut T)> {
|                            - let's call the lifetime of this reference `'1`
64 |           self.items.iter_mut().enumerate().map(move |(index, item)| {
|           ---------------------                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ move out of `self` occurs here
|           |
|  _________borrow of `self.items` occurs here
| |
65 | |             let (x, y) = self.index_to_coordinate(index);
| |                          ---- move occurs due to use in closure
66 | |             (x, y, item)
67 | |         })
| |__________- returning this value requires that `self.items` is borrowed for `'1`
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0505`.
error: could not compile `grid` due to previous error
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...




pub fn enumerate_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize, &mut T)> {
self.items.iter_mut().enumerate().map(|(index, item)| {
let x = index % self.width;
let y = (index - x) / self.width;
(x, y, item)




即使使用了unsafe,也不允许违反Rust的借用规则,因此不能在.items被可变借用时使用&Self可以访问.width.height,但必须通过指针:*const Self来完成。以下是它的样子(在操场上与Miri一起测试(:

pub fn enumerate_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize, &mut T)> {
let this = self as *const Self;
self.items.iter_mut().enumerate().map(move |(index, item)| {
let (x, y) = unsafe { Self::index_to_coordinate(this, index) };
(x, y, item)
unsafe fn index_to_coordinate(this: *const Self, index: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
let width = *std::ptr::addr_of!((*this).width);
let height = *std::ptr::addr_of!((*this).height);
let x = index % width;
let y = (index - x) / width;
(x, y)


