

trait ToHList[T] {
type Out <: HList
def apply(value: T): Out
trait LowPriorityToHList {
implicit def default[T]: ToHList.Aux[T, T :: HNil] =
new ToHList[T] {
override type Out = T :: HNil
override def apply(value: T): T :: HNil = value :: HNil
object ToHList extends LowPriorityToHList {
type Aux[T, Out0] = ToHList[T] { type Out = Out0 }
def apply[T](implicit toHList: ToHList[T]): Aux[T, toHList.Out] = toHList
implicit def toHList[T, Repr <: HList, N <: Nat](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[T, Repr],
len: Length.Aux[Repr, N],
lt: LT[Nat._0, N]): ToHList.Aux[T, Repr] =
new ToHList[T] {
override type Out = Repr
override def apply(value: T): Repr = gen.to(value)
object Main extends App {
println(ToHList.apply[Int].apply(1)) // expected 1 :: HNil
println(ToHList.apply[(Int, Int)].apply((1, 2))) // expected 1 :: 2 :: HNil


[error] ToHList.scala:39:24: ambiguous implicit values:
[error]  both method toHList in object ToHList of type [T, Repr <: shapeless.HList, N <: shapeless.Nat](implicit gen: shapeless.Generic.Aux[T,Repr], implicit len: shapeless.ops.hlist.Length.Aux[Repr,N], implicit lt: shapeless.ops.nat.LT[shapeless.Nat._0,N])ToHList.Aux[T,Repr]
[error]  and method default in trait LowPriorityToHList of type [T]=> ToHList.Aux[T,T :: shapeless.HNil]
[error]  match expected type ToHList[(Int, Int)]
[error]   println(ToHList.apply[(Int, Int)].apply((1, 2))) // expected 1 :: 2 :: HNil



因此,没有理由将default置于低优先级的超级性状中,这不会产生预期的影响。但如果将toHListdefault放在同一个对象中,则default将更具体地获胜。从expected 1 :: 2 :: HNil看来,你希望toHList获胜,反之亦然。您可以使用shapeless.LowPriority

object ToHList {
type Aux[T, Out0] = ToHList[T] { type Out = Out0 }
def apply[T](implicit toHList: ToHList[T]): Aux[T, toHList.Out] = toHList
implicit def toHList[T, Repr <: HList, N <: Nat](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[T, Repr],
len: Length.Aux[Repr, N],
lt: LT[Nat._0, N]
): ToHList.Aux[T, Repr] =
new ToHList[T] {
override type Out = Repr
override def apply(value: T): Repr = gen.to(value)
implicit def default[T](implicit 
lowPriority: LowPriority
): ToHList.Aux[T, T :: HNil] =
new ToHList[T] {
override type Out = T :: HNil
override def apply(value: T): T :: HNil = value :: HNil


implicit def default[T](implicit
orElse: OrElse[Refute[Generic[T]], Generic.Aux[T, HNil]]
): ToHList.Aux[T, T :: HNil] =
new ToHList[T] {
override type Out = T :: HNil
override def apply(value: T): T :: HNil = value :: HNil
