

$CRM_Serverlist = 'Server-114', 'Server-115', 'Server-118', 'Server-P119'
$CRM_Account = 'domainsvcCRM'
$svcCRM_cred = Get-Credential -Credential $CRM_Account
ForEach ($CRM_Server in $CRM_Serverlist) {
Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $CRM_Server -Credential $svcCRM_cred -FilterHashtable @{
LogName = 'Application'
Level = 3 # 1 Critical, 2 Error, 3 Warning, 4 Information
} | select-object message | Format-List -Property message


Message : Query execution time of 14.6 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 283; 
Database: CRM_MSCRM; Server:Server-SQL1; Query: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects ...
Message : Query execution time of 10.9 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 54; Database: 
CRM_MSCRM; Server:Server-SQL1; Query: select "a360_connectionrule0".a360_ConnectionId ...

Message : Query execution time of 19.3 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 272; 
Database: CRM_MSCRM; Server:Server-SQL1; Query: WITH "incident0Security" as (...

Message : Query execution time of 53.6 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 276; 
Database: CRM_MSCRM; Server:Server-SQL1; Query: select "incident0".a360_EscalationDate2...


Time: 53.6
Message : Query execution time of 53.6 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 276; 
Database: CRM_MSCRM; Server:Server-SQL1; Query: select "incident0".a360_EscalationDate2...
Time: 19.3
Message : Query execution time of 19.3 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 272; 
Database: CRM_MSCRM; Server:Server-SQL1; Query: WITH "incident0Security" as (...
Time: 14.6
Message : Query execution time of 14.6 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 283; 
Database: CRM_MSCRM; Server:Server-SQL1; Query: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects ...
Time: 10.9
Message : Query execution time of 10.9 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 54; Database: 
CRM_MSCRM; Server:Server-SQL1; Query: select "a360_connectionrule0".a360_ConnectionId ...



$re = [regex] '(?<=Query execution time of )[d.]+'
$CRM_Serverlist | ForEach-Object {
Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $_ -Credential $svcCRM_cred -FilterHashtable @{
LogName      = 'Application'
ProviderName = 'MSCRMPlatform'
Level        = 3 # 1 Critical, 2 Error, 3 Warning, 4 Information
} |
Select-Object @{
Name       = 'Time'
Expression = { [timespan]::FromSeconds($re.Match($_.Message).Value) }
}, Message | Sort-Object Time -Descending


  1. 从服务器中选择一个事件:
$evt = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName pickOneServer -Credential $cred -FilterHashtable @{
LogName      = 'Application'
ProviderName = 'MSCRMPlatform'
Level        = 3 # 1 Critical, 2 Error, 3 Warning, 4 Information
} -MaxEvents 1
  1. 检查其Properties属性:


$evt.Properties.Value[1] # since index starts in 0 in pwsh
  1. 然后假设我们可以在那里找到这个值,整个脚本将改为这个值,而不是使用regex来选择值:
$CRM_Serverlist | ForEach-Object {
Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $_ -Credential $svcCRM_cred -FilterHashtable @{
LogName      = 'Application'
ProviderName = 'MSCRMPlatform'
Level        = 3 # 1 Critical, 2 Error, 3 Warning, 4 Information
} | Select-Object @{
Name       = 'Time'
Expression = { [timespan]::FromSeconds($_.Properties.Value[1]) }
}, Message | Sort-Object Time -Descending
