如何在SQL INSERT INTO语句中自动增加主键

Private Sub btnAddInfo_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_Routine
'Declare variables
Dim intStudentID As Integer
Dim intTestID As Integer
Dim dblMark As Double
Dim intResultID As Integer
'Declare database
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'Set the database
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Select ResultId FROM StudentResult ORDER BY RESULTID DESC", dbOpenDynaset)
'assign value to intResultID variable
intResultID = rst!ResultId
'Adds the additional 1 to the latest result id that was used
If Not rst.EOF Then
intResultID = intResultID + 1
End If
'Assigns value to variables
intStudentID = Forms!frmAdd!lstStudentID
strDescription = Forms!frmAdd!lstTest
dblMark = txtMark.Value
intTestID = Forms!frmAdd!lstTest
'Checks that Student ID has been selected
If Not IsNull(lstStudentID) Then
'Inserts new test record into StudentResult table
db.Execute "INSERT INTO StudentResult " _
& "(ResultId,StudentId,TestId, Mark) VALUES " _
& "('" & intResultID & "','" & intStudentID & "','" & intTestID & "','" & dblMark & "');"
End If
'Clears fields
txtMark.Value = ""
lstStudentID.Value = ""
lblExistingStudent.Caption = "Existing Student Name:"
'Closes database
Set db = Nothing






If Not IsNull(lstStudentID) Then
' Verify values:
Debug.Print "StudentID:", intStudentID, "TestID:", intTestID, "Mark:", Str(dblMark) 
'Inserts new test record into StudentResult table
db.Execute "INSERT INTO StudentResult " _
& "(StudentId, TestId, Mark) VALUES " _
& "(" & intStudentID & "," & intTestID & "," & Str(dblMark) & ");"
End If
