C语言 任何线索,为什么我的代码有错误?

我使用MPLAB X IDE(微控制器软件)来编译我的代码,但由于某种原因,它一直说至少有两个错误(特别是在持有的区域)。我试着看了,但我仍然不确定为什么会这样,所以任何帮助都会非常感激。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <xc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <p18f4620.h>
#pragma config OSC = INTIO67
#pragma config WDT = OFF
#pragma config LVP = OFF
#pragma config BOREN = OFF
#define delay 5
// Prototype Area to place all the references to the routines used in the program
void Init_ADC(void);
unsigned char Get_Full_ADC(void);
void Flash_LED(unsigned char);
void main(void)
unsigned int ADC_Result; // local variable to store the result
Init_ADC(); // initialize the A2D converter
TRISB =0x00; // make PORTB as all outputs
ADC_Result = Get_Full_ADC(); // call routine to measure the A2D port
Flash_LED(ADC_Result); // call routine to flash the LED based on the delay
// indicated by ADC_Result
void Init_ADC(void)
ADCON0=0x01; // select channel AN0, and turn on the A2D subsystem
ADCON1=0x0E; // set pin 2 as analog signal, VDD-VSS as reference voltage
// and right justify the result
ADCON2=0xA9; // Set the bit conversion time (TAD) and acquisition time
**unsigned int Get_Full_ADC(void)
int result;
ADCON0bits.GO=1; // Start Conversion
while(ADCON0bits.DONE==1); // Wait for conversion to be completed (DONE=0)
result = (ADRESH * 0x100) + ADRESL; // Combine result of upper byte and lower byte into
return result; // return the most significant 8- bits of the result.
void Flash_LED(unsigned int ADC_result)
unsigned int counter1, counter2;
LATB = 0x0A; // output to PORTB the pattern 00001010
// delay loop
for (counter2=delay; counter2>0; --counter2)
for (counter1=ADC_result ; counter1>0; -- counter1);
LATB = 0x05 // output to PORTB the pattern 00000101
// delay loop
for (counter2=delay; counter2>0; --counter2)
for (counter1=ADC_result ; counter1>0; -- counter1);


unsigned char Get_Full_ADC(void);


unsigned int Get_Full_ADC(void)


int result;
return result;

