Typescript: Override property type from library - got error后

我想从库声明中重写属性类型,我尝试使用接口重写,但我得到了错误Subsequent property declarations must have the same type。我该如何解决这个问题?

// this is library declaration
declare class Auth {
user: Record<string, string | number> | null 
// i want to remove null type in user property, because i dont want to use `non-null assertion` in line 21
// i cant change this file because it is 3rd party library
// ------------------------------
// our file
// my override interface, but fail
interface Auth {
user: Record<string, string | number>
const a: Auth = {
user: {
name: 'joko',
age: 30
const userName = a.user!.name
// const userName = a.user.name // <-- i want use like this, because i'm sure that this property is always available



  1. 从node_modules中复制模块类型到我们的类型文件中。然后更改相应的接口(将Auth更改为IAuth)。IAuth是我们修改后的接口。
import { IAuth } from '~/interface/auth/model';
export * from '@nuxtjs/auth-next/dist';
declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
interface Vue {
$auth: IAuth;
// rest of the file
  1. 将上面的文件添加到tsconfig.json中作为paths,这样typescript将使用该文件而不是原来的模块类型。
"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"paths": {
"@nuxtjs/auth-next": [
// ...  
// ...
瞧,使用修改后的接口 ,类型按预期运行了。
