


// I have a map of Resources where the keys are equal to the resource it's type
type Resources = {
user: {
id: string
type: 'user'
attributes: {
name: string
age: number
last_name: string
// uncomment this section to break function underneath
//  usergroup: {
//   id: string
//   type: 'usergroup'
//   attributes: {
//     mosterd: string
//     group: string
//   }
// }
type ResourceTypes = keyof Resources
// user|usergroup
type UserAttributes = keyof Resources['user']['attributes']
// name|age|last_name
function constrain<
T extends { type: ResourceTypes },
A extends keyof Resources[T['type']]['attributes']
> (attribute: A) {
return (resource: T) => {
// Is it possible to get typesafety for the attribute argument 
// when resource argument has been given, like following example?
const result = constrain('name')({ type: 'user' })
type AllAttributes = keyof Resources[ResourceTypes]['attributes']
// becomes never, I assume this is what is happening in the constrain function but why cant it infer the ResourceType?


type KeysOfUnion<T> = T extends T ? keyof T : never;
type NoKeys = keyof ({ a: 1 } | { b: 2 }); // never
type AllKeys = KeysOfUnion<{ a: 1 } | { b: 2 }>; // 'a' | 'b'
type AllAttributes = KeysOfUnion<Resources[ResourceTypes]['attributes']>;
// will now be 'name' | 'age' | 'last_name' | 'mosterd' | 'group'
function constrain<
A extends KeysOfUnion<Resources[keyof Resources]['attributes']>,
T extends {
[x in keyof Resources]: Resources[x]['attributes'] extends {
[y in A]: unknown;
? x
: never;
}[keyof Resources]
>(attribute: A) {
return (resource: { type: T }) => {};
constrain('name')({ type: 'user' }); // OK
constrain('name')({ type: 'usergroup' }); // error
constrain('group')({ type: 'usergroup' }); // OK
constrain('group')({ type: 'user' }); // error


function constrain<
A extends keyof UnionToIntersection<Resources[keyof Resources]['attributes']>,
T extends Extract<Resources[keyof Resources], { attributes: Record<A, any> }>,
>(attribute: A) {
return (resource: { type: T['type'] }) => {

