Catbus game
let img; //background
var bgImg; //also the background
var x1 = 0;
var x2;
var scrollSpeed = 4; //how fast background is
let bing; //for music
let cat;
var mode; //determines whether the game has started
let gravity = 0.2; //jumping forces
let velocity = 0.1;
let upForce = 6;
let startY = 730; //where cat bus jumps from
let startX = 70;
var font1; //custom fonts
var font2;
p5.disableFriendlyErrors = true; //avoids errors
function preload() {
bgImg = loadImage("backgwound.png"); //importing background
bing = loadSound("catbus theme song.mp3"); //importing music
font1 = loadFont("Big Font.TTF");
font2 = loadFont("Smaller Font.ttf");
function setup() {
createCanvas(1000, 1000); //canvas size
img = loadImage("backgwound.png"); //background in
x2 = width;
bing.loop(); //loops the music
cat = {
//coordinates for catbus
x: startX,
y: startY,
catGif = createImg("catgif.gif"); //creates catbus
catGif.position(cat.x, cat.y); //creates position
catGif.size(270, 100); //creates how big
mode = 0; //game start
textSize(50); //text size
function draw() {
let time = frameCount; //start background loop
image(img, 0 - time, 0);
image(bgImg, x1, 2, width, height);
image(bgImg, x2, 2, width, height);
x1 -= scrollSpeed;
x2 -= scrollSpeed;
if (x1 <= -width) {
x1 = width;
if (x2 <= -width) {
x2 = width;
} //end background loop
fill("white"); //text colour
if (mode == 0) {
text("press SPACE to start the game!", 240, 500); //what text to type
if (mode == 0) {
text("CATBUS BIZZARE ADVENTURE", 90, 450); //what text to type
cat.y = cat.y + velocity; //code for jumping
velocity = velocity + gravity;
if (cat.y > startY) {
velocity = 0;
// cat.y = startY;
catGif.position(cat.x, cat.y);
function keyPressed() {
if (keyCode === 32) { //spacebar code
// if ((cat.y = 730)) {
// cat.y > 730;
mode = 1;
velocity += -upForce;
// }
执行此操作function keyPressed() {
if (keyCode === 32 && velocity == 0) { //spacebar code
// if ((cat.y = 730)) {
// cat.y > 730;
mode = 1;
velocity += -upForce;