

const App = () => {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
return (
<div className="app">
<Topbar />
<Route path="/login" exact component={Login} />
<Route path="/home" exact component={Home} />
<Route path="/" exact component={ShopMenu} />
<Route path="/orders">
<Orders />
<Route path="/wishlist" exact component={Wishlist} />
<Route path="/wallet" exact component={Wallet} />
<Route path="/cart" exact component={Cart} />
<BottomBar />

看看React Context,更具体地说,当你使用hooks时使用econtext。


export const UserContext = React.createContext(null);
const App = () => {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
return (
<div className="app">
<UserContext.Provider value={{ user: user, setUser: setUser }}>
<Topbar />
{/* <routes>... */}
<BottomBar />


import { UserContext } from './app';
const Topbar = () => {
const { user, setUser } = useContext(UserContext);
// use `user` here

如果你想访问setter (setUser),你也可以通过上下文传递它。

Simple React Global State with Hooks (Observer Design Pattern)



这个概念是基于Yezy Ilomo的文章。它只是被置于工作状态,并被重命名为变量&







function subscribe(callback) {
System.addEventListener('setState.theme', null, callback);
return () => System.removeEventListener('setState.theme', null, callback);


const theme: string = useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, () => System.state.theme);


System.state.theme = theme




import Store from '@/base/Store';

* @public @name System
* @description Used for capturing system state, things that track the state of the system as its used
class System extends Store {
* @public @constructor @name constructor
* @description Process called function triggered when component is instantiated (but not ready or in DOM, must call super() first)
constructor() {
// map state values with defaults
get defineState() {
return {
test: false,
theme: 'light',
// cast state values to ensure type
get state(): System['defineState'] {
return super.state as System['defineState'];
// export singleton instance
export default new System();


/* eslint-disable  @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
export type Event = {
scope: any;
callback: () => void;
* @public @name Store
* @description Used for storing global state data in react
export default class Store {
private __state: object;
private __events: object;
private __customEvents: string[];
* @public @constructor @name constructor
* @description Process called function triggered when component is instantiated (but not ready or in DOM, must call super() first)
constructor() {
this.__state = new Proxy(this.defineState, this.defineHandler);
this.__events = {};
this.__customEvents = [];
* @public @get @name defineState
* @description Basic define state in the store as an empty object that can be proxied
* @return the defined state
get defineState(): object {
return {};
* @public @get @name defineHandler
* @description Basic define handler to use with proxy, which bootstraps events in to detect changes
* @return the defined handler
get defineHandler(): object {
return {
get: (target: object, property: string): any => {
this.emit(('getState.' + property) as keyof typeof this.__events, target[property as keyof typeof target]);
return target[property as keyof typeof target];
set: (target: object, property: string, value: any): boolean => {
(target[property as keyof typeof target] as typeof value) = value;
this.emit(('setState.' + property) as keyof typeof this.__events, target[property as keyof typeof target]);
return true;
* @public @get @name state
* @description get the basic state of the store and emit an event
* @return the stores full state
get state() {
this.emit('getState' as keyof typeof this.__events, this.__state);
return this.__state;
* @public @set @name state
* @description OVERRIDDEN > You cannot set the full state of hte object, please define it in a child class
set state(state: object) {
throw Error('Do not set state object directly, set props instead ' + Object.keys(state));
* @public @get @name events
* @description combines default and custom events that may be added
* @return an array of the available states
get events(): Array<string> {
return ['getState', 'setState', ...Object.keys(this.state).map((s) => 'getState.' + s), ...Object.keys(this.state).map((s) => 'setState.' + s), ...this.__customEvents];
* @public @name addCustomEvent
* @description add a new custom event to use, when you say want to override the handlers and add your own events in
* @param event the custom event to add to defaults
addCustomEvent(event: string) {
const events = typeof event === 'string' ? [event] : event;
events.forEach((ev) => {
if (this.events.includes(ev)) return false;
* @public @name addEventListener
* @description add a new event listener, this callback will be fired when the event is emitted
* @param event the custom event listener to add
* @param scope any custom scope to use in the callback
* @param callback the callback function to call when event is emitted
addEventListener(event: string, scope: any, callback: () => void) {
// is this a recognised event?
if (!this.events.includes(event)) return;
// check structure and if already present
if (!this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events]) (this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] as Array<Event>) = [];
if ((this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] as Array<Event>).find((e) => e.scope === scope && e.callback === callback)) return;
(this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] as Array<Event>).push({ scope, callback });
* @public @name removeEventListener
* @description remove an event listener from the queue
* @param event the custom event listener you added to
* @param scope the custom scope you used to add the listener
* @param callback the callback function used to add the listener
removeEventListener(event: string, scope: any, callback: () => void) {
// is this a recognised event?
if (!this.events.includes(event)) return;
// check structure and if already present
if (!this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] || (this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] as Array<Event>).length < 1) return;
if (!(this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] as Array<Event>).find((e) => e.scope === scope && e.callback === callback)) return;
(this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] as Array<Event>) = (this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] as Array<Event>).filter(
(e) => e.scope !== scope || e.callback !== callback,
* @public @name subscribe
* @description subscribe method to add an event and offer a way to remove as a return function, for use with subscribing in react
* @param event the custom event listener you added to
* @param callback the callback function used to add the listener
subscribe(event: string, callback: () => void): Store['removeEventListener'] {
this.addEventListener(event, null, callback);
return () => this.removeEventListener(event, null, callback);
* @public @name syncState
* @description sync all known properties using reacts useSyncExternalStore passed in at sync time from component function
* @param useSyncExternalStore the react instance of useSyncExternalStore calling this from within the function block of the component
* @param props the properties to sync with for automatic re-renders of the component after change
syncState(useSyncExternalStore: (callback: (callback: () => void) => any, snapshot: () => any) => any, props: string[] = []) {
if (!props || props.length < 1) props = Object.keys(this.state);
const cp = Object.keys(this.state);
props = props.filter((p) => cp.includes(p));
props.forEach((prop) => {
(callback: () => void) => {
return this.subscribe(`setState${prop ? '.' + prop : ''}` as keyof typeof this.__events, callback);
() => {
return prop ? this.state[prop as keyof typeof this.state] : this.state;
* @public @name emit
* @description emit an event and run any listeners waiting
* @param event the event to emit
* @param data any data associated with the event
emit(event: string, data: any) {
if (!this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] || (this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] as Array<Event>).length < 1) return;
(this.__events[event as keyof typeof this.__events] as Array<Event>).forEach((e) => e.callback.call<string, any, any>(e.scope, event, data, e.scope));







System.syncState(useSyncExternalStore, ['someprop', 'another']);



