

using System;
using MathLibrary;
namespace MathLibraryApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Vector v = new Vector();
Vector v1 = new Vector(4, 8, 12);
Vector v2 = new Vector(8,16,24);
Vector[] vectors = { v1, v2 };
using System;
namespace MathLibrary
public class PointVectorBase
public PointVectorBase(double x=0 , double y=0 , double z=0 )
this.X = x;this.Y = y;this.Z = z;
protected virtual PointVectorBase CalculateSum(params Vector[] addends)
for (int i = 0; i < addends.Length; i++)
this.X = this.X + addends[i].X;
this.Y = this.Y + addends[i].Y;
this.Z = this.Z + addends[i].Z;
return this;
public class Vector : PointVectorBase
public Vector(double x = 0, double y = 0, double z = 0) : base(x, y, z){ }

public Vector Add(params Vector[] addends)
return this.CalculateSum(addends) ; 
//Cannot implicitly convert type MathLibrary.PointVectorBase to MathLibrary.Vector. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)


public Vector Add(params Vector[] addends)
return this.CalculateSum(addends) As Vector;

这很危险。不是所有的基向量都是向量,所以你可以得到一个空返回值。同样,在public class cat: animal的例子中,动物并不总是猫。



由于继承,你可以将CalculateSum的结果强制转换为Vector,因此它将返回this.CalculateSum(addends) as Vector;





在你的例子中,我会选择扩展方法。这也是一个使用结构体的好例子。通过编写扩展方法,您可以使用额外的方法扩展Vector3 .

using System;
namespace MathLibrary
public struct Vector3
public double X;
public double Y;
public double Z;
public Vector3(double x=0 , double y=0 , double z=0 )
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
this.Z = z;
public Vector3 CalculateSum(params Vector3[] addends)
var result = new Vector3();
for (int i = 0; i < addends.Length; i++)
result.X = result.X + addends[i].X;
result.Y = result.Y + addends[i].Y;
result.Z = result.Z + addends[i].Z;
return result;

public static class VectorExtensions
public static Vector3 Add(this Vector3 vector, params Vector3[] addends)
return vector.CalculateSum(addends); 
// the add should actually add to the current vector,
// which makes it less readable.. calculate sum and add is almost the same.
return vector.CalculateSum( 
new Vector3 [] { vector }
.ToArray() );
