


for each animal -> 
if animal = Dog, Ferret, Groundhog continue iterating
else if animal = Coyote, replace with Dog and continue iterating
else if animal = Fox, replace with Dog and continue iterating



class Animal{
class Dog extends Animal{
class Cat extends Animal{
class Coyote extends Animal{
class Fox extends Animal{
class Ferret extends Animal{
class Groundhog extends Animal{


public static void main(String[] args) {
Dog a = new Dog();
Dog b = new Dog();
Dog c = new Dog();
Coyote d = new Coyote();
Dog e = new Dog();
Fox f = new Fox();
Dog g = new Dog();
Cat h = new Cat();
Ferret i = new Ferret();
Groundhog j = new Groundhog();
Animal[] animalArray = new Animal[10];
animalArray[0] = a;
animalArray[1] = b;
animalArray[2] = c;
animalArray[3] = d;
animalArray[4] = e;
animalArray[5] = f;
animalArray[6] = g;
animalArray[7] = h;
animalArray[8] = i;
animalArray[9] = j;

for(int ii = 0; ii<animalArray.length; ii++){
if (animalArray[ii] instanceof Coyote || animalArray[ii] instanceof Fox){
animalArray[ii] = new Dog();

如果在公共静态void main方法中包含以下代码,则可以运行该方法以获得以下输出。

for(Animal animal: animalArray){


class Test.Dog
class Test.Dog
class Test.Dog
class Test.Dog
class Test.Dog
class Test.Dog
class Test.Dog
class Test.Cat
class Test.Ferret
class Test.Groundhog
