当使用GCD时,vars到func params的复制何时发生,这让人感到困惑

我刚刚在学习Swift,并在研究Grand Central Dispatch(GCD(以完成一些CPU密集型任务。以下是(我相信(我感到困惑的所有相关代码:

// global declarations
var digits        = [Int]()    // where the square's digits reside
var perm_q        = [[Int]]()  // where we accumulate permutations to check later
Let perm_q_max    = 1000       // how many permutations we queue before checking them
var enq_count     = 0          // how many times we've called check_squares
var N             = 3          // size of N x N square
let work_q = DispatchQueue.global()  // returns a global, concurrent dispatch queue
let work_g = DispatchGroup()         // returns a group we put all our work into
// func which is enqueued onto a GCD queue
func check_squares( cnt: Int, perm_ary: [[Int]]) { ... }
// func which calls enqueues check_squares() onto global GCD queue
func permute( k: Int, ary: inout [Int]) {
if k == 1 {

perm_q.append( ary)  // queue up this permutation for later magic checking
// if we've queued up enough permutations, then dispatch check_squares()
if ( perm_q.count >= perm_q_max) {
enq_count += 1
// --> let p: [[Int]] = perm_q  // make a local copy
work_q.async( group: work_g) {      // assign work all to one group
check_squares( cnt: enq_count,    // check to see if any square is magic
perm_ary: p)
perm_q = [[Int]]()                  // clear out previous permutations
else { ... }
// main

digits = Array( 1 ... ( N * N))  // fill digits with digits 1...N^2
permute( k: digits.count, ary: &digits)  // creates permutations and checks for magic squares



我想到的一个解释是,直到GCD开始执行check_squares((,perm_q才会复制到check_squares((的参数中。当这种情况发生时,perm_q已经被清空。这是在perm_q复制到ary时发生的,而不是在check_squares排队时发生的吗?将全局var perm_q的本地副本复制到permute((的本地var p中,并在排队期间将p传递给check_squares((,这会使本地var p保持不变,因为队列中来自check_squares((的引用即使在permute(退出后也不会使数组p消失。这听起来对吗?





queue.async(group: group).async { [array] in
