
我一直在尝试用javascript编写一个函数,这样我就可以通过5个单独的输入框来过滤一个表,每个输入框对应表中的每个参数。W3schools有一个解决方案,但它只涵盖了一列;我在";如何通过多个输入框来过滤表";,但它们要么不起作用,要么另一个框会覆盖过滤过程,例如,如果我写了";x〃;在框1中;y";在方框2中,表格必须包含每个";y";包括列中的CCD_ 1;x〃;。有什么解决办法吗?(第六栏没有添加任何内容,这意味着要保持原样(


<input type="text" id="inid" onkeyup="search()" placeholder="ID">
<input type="text" id="inplat" onkeyup="search()" placeholder="Platform">
<input type="text" id="inloc" onkeyup="search()" placeholder="Location">
<input type="text" id="incount" onkeyup="search()" placeholder="T-Count">
<input type="text" id="inauthor" onkeyup="search()" placeholder="Author">
<div id="table_div">
<table id="myTable">
<tr class="header">
<td>More Info</td>
<td>More Info</td>
<td>More Info</td>
<td>More Info</td>



// do everything inside a block to not conflict with global namespace
"use strict";

// define some magic values
const formSelector = '[data-filter-table-target]'
const columnSelector = '[data-column]'
const rowSelector = ':scope > tbody > tr';
const filteredClassName = 'filtered';

// define small Helper function that do exactly one thing

// returns an HTML element that matches the selector from the data-filter-table-target argument
const getTarget = form => document.querySelector(form.dataset.filterTableTarget)
// get all the first class rows (i.e. not nested inside a table) from this table's body
const getRows = table => Array.from(table.querySelectorAll(rowSelector))
// get the values from this form's inputs, which have a data-column argument
const getFilterValues = form =>  Array.from(form.querySelectorAll(columnSelector)).map(inp => ({'column': inp.dataset.column, 'value': inp.value}));
// check, if this cells text contains the value
const checkCellValue = (cell, value) => (new RegExp(value, 'i')).test(cell.textContent)

// get a table row's cell which data-column argument value matches the value argument
const getCell = (row, value) => row.querySelector(`[data-column="${value.column}"`)

// filter a row, if it does not match the value
const filterRow = (row, values) => {
const filtered = values.reduce((carry, value) => {
if (! checkCellValue(getCell(row, value), value.value)) { return true;}
return carry
}, false)

if (filtered) {
} else {

// check all rows, if they should be filtered
const filterRows = (rows, values) => {
rows.forEach(row => filterRow(row, values))

// bahaviour on input
const onInput = e => {
// check, if input is called from inside a form which serves as filter
const form = e.target.closest(formSelector)
// otherwise return
if (!form) {return;}

const target = getTarget(form)
const rows = getRows(target)
const values = getFilterValues(form)

filterRows(rows, values)


// check for the global input event
document.addEventListener('input', onInput)
.filtered {
display: none;
<!-- the data-filter-table-target argument points to the table to be filtered -->
<form data-filter-table-target="#myTable">
<!-- the data-column arguments point to the table cells with the same argument -->
<input type="text" id="inid"     placeholder="ID"       data-column="ID">
<input type="text" id="inplat"   placeholder="Platform" data-column="Platform">
<input type="text" id="inloc"    placeholder="Location" data-column="Location">
<input type="text" id="incount"  placeholder="T-Count"  data-column="TCount">
<input type="text" id="inauthor" placeholder="Author"   data-column="Author">
<div id="table_div">
<table id="myTable">
<td data-column="ID">2-12-8374857-232</td>
<td data-column="Platform">PC</td>
<td data-column="Location">Chongqing</td>
<td data-column="TCount">4</td>
<td data-column="Author">Urben</td>
<td>More Info</td>
<td data-column="ID">3-23-3939473-324</td>
<td data-column="Platform">PS</td>
<td data-column="Location">Dubai</td>
<td data-column="TCount">3</td>
<td data-column="Author">Hichkas</td>
<td>More Info</td>
<td data-column="ID">3-43-3245235-432</td>
<td data-column="Platform">Xbox</td>
<td data-column="Location">Paris</td>
<td data-column="TCount">2</td>
<td data-column="Author">TheChicken</td>
<td>More Info</td>
<td data-column="ID">1-24-2594549-124</td>
<td data-column="Platform">Stadia</td>
<td data-column="Location">Berlin</td>
<td data-column="TCount">5</td>
<td data-column="Author">Scat1620</td>
<td>More Info</td>
