

node* Merge(node* h1, node* h2, int &comp, int &swaps){ node *t1 = new node; node *t2 = new node; node *temp = new node;

// Return if the first list is empty.
if(h1 == NULL)
return h2;
// Return if the Second list is empty.
if(h2 == NULL)
return h1;
t1 = h1;
// A loop to traverse the second list, to merge the nodes to h1 in sorted way.
while (h2 != NULL)
// Taking head node of second list as t2.
t2 = h2;
// Shifting second list head to the next.
h2 = h2->next;
t2->next = NULL;
// If the data value is lesser than the head of first list add that node at the beginning.
if(h1->data > t2->data)
t2->next = h1;
h1 = t2;
t1 = h1;
// Traverse the first list.
if(t1->next == NULL)
t1->next = t2;
t1 = t1->next;
// Traverse first list until t2->data more than node's data.
else if((t1->next)->data <= t2->data)
t1 = t1->next;
goto flag;
// Insert the node as t2->data is lesser than the next node.
temp = t1->next;
t1->next = t2;
t2->next = temp;

// Return the head of new sorted list.
return h1;



void MergeSort(node **head, int &comp, int &swaps)

node *first = new node;
node *second = new node;
node *temp = new node;
first = *head;
temp = *head;

// Return if list have less than two nodes.
if(first == NULL || first->next == NULL)
// Break the list into two half as first and second as head of list.
while(first->next != NULL)
first = first->next;
if(first->next != NULL)
temp = temp->next;
first = first->next;
second = temp->next;
temp->next = NULL;
first = *head;
// Implementing divide and conquer approach.
MergeSort(&first, comp, swaps);
MergeSort(&second, comp, swaps);
// Merge the two part of the list into a sorted one.      
*head = Merge(first, second, comp, swaps);





反转是数组[i]>array[j]和i<j、 在数组中。例如:

int InversionCount(int array[], int n)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (array[i] > array[j])
return count;



node * MergeSortR(node *head, int count, int &comp, int &swaps);
node *MergeSort(node *head, int &comp, int &swaps)
node * ptr = head;
int count = 0;
comp = 0;
swaps = 0;
while(ptr != NULL){
ptr = ptr->next;
if(count < 2)
return head;
return MergeSortR(head, count, comp, swaps);
node * MergeSortR(node *first, int count, int &comp, int &swaps)
if(count < 2)
return first;
node * second = first;
int fstcnt = count/2;
int sndcnt = count - fstcnt;
for(int i = 1; i < fstcnt; i++)
second = second->next;
node *temp = second;
second = second->next;
temp->next = NULL;
first = MergeSortR(first,  fstcnt, comp, swaps);
second = MergeSortR(second, sndcnt, comp, swaps);
return Merge(first, fstcnt, second, sndcnt, comp, swaps);

