

blob的格式为:垃圾垃圾DUG用户名垃圾DUG用户号码垃圾DUG域名垃圾DUG Usernumber(etc etc(。


// function runs when button is clicked
function SortCustomerList() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var sheetName = spreadsheet.getName();
var pastedDataRange = spreadsheet.getRange(1, 1);                // location of the pasted data
var pastedData = pastedDataRange.getValue();                     //     get the data from that cell
var pastedText = pastedData.toString();                          //     convert that data into a string
// returns an index location of where "DUG" starts in the string
var foundLoc = pastedText.indexOf("DUG");                        

// show me that location for testing (number. int?) ***works!!***
spreadsheet.getRange(4, 1).activate();

// i want to chop the string at "DUG", show me everything to the right, starting where you found "DUG"
// ****doesnt work. returns the entire paste, not chopped
spreadsheet.getRange(10, 1).activate();            

// future:  rather than the rest of the string, just give me the word after "DUG"
//          set index (foundLoc) to AFTER the "DUG Username", to find the next instance of "DUG"
//          loop it, until there are no more instances of the word "DUG"
//          put it into pretty rows and columns

spreadsheet.getRange(5, 1).activate();
spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().setValue('Test Ran!');

