我正在尝试运行vagrant provision
Configuring libc6:amd64 ├────────────────────────┐│││ There are services installed on your system which need to be restarted ││ when certain libraries, such as libpam, libc, and libssl, are upgraded. ││ Since these restarts may cause interruptions of service for the system, ││ you will normally be prompted on each upgrade for the list of services ││ you wish to restart. You can choose this option to avoid being││ prompted; instead, all necessary restarts will be done for you││ automatically so you can avoid being asked questions on each library││ upgrade.││││ Restart services during package upgrades without asking?││││<Yes><No>│││└───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
sudo apt-get install -yq libpq-dev python-dev --allow-unauthenticated -qq
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive pt-get install -yq libpq-dev python-dev --allow-unauthenticated -qq
中使用Ubuntu 18.04
apt-get -force-yes