

#include <iostream>
//some generic costly operation that I'd like to avoid
template<typename T>
T complicated_stuff(const T& t) {
std::cout << "computing" << std::endl ;
return t*t ;
//implementing a lazy version through a convertible return type
template<typename T>
struct Lazy {
Lazy(const T& t_in) : t(t_in) {}
//the computation only happens when converted
operator T() const {
t = complicated_stuff(t) ;
return t ;

mutable T t ;
} ;
//generically wrapping the lazy implementation
template<typename T>
Lazy<T> lazy_complicated_stuff(const T& t) {
return Lazy<T>(t) ;
//the desired object type to run the computation on
//I can't modify CustomScalar, boost::numeric::interval in my use case
struct CustomScalar {
CustomScalar() {}

CustomScalar(const CustomScalar&) = default ;
//this generates my construction trouble
template<typename T>
CustomScalar(const T& v) : val(v) {}
CustomScalar& operator=(const CustomScalar&) = default ;
//this generates my assignment problems
template<typename T>
CustomScalar& operator=(const T& t) { val = t ; return *this ; }
//for the complicated stuff to work
CustomScalar operator*(const CustomScalar& rhs) const { 
return CustomScalar(val*rhs.val) ; 

float val ;
} ;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, CustomScalar s) {
out << s.val ;
return out ;
//some function that requires the value and therefore the computation
template<typename T>
void print(const T& t) {
std::cout << "printing" << std::endl ;
std::cout << t << std::endl ;
int main()
//some initial custom scalar
CustomScalar s0(10) ;
print(s0) ;
//ground truth computation
auto s1 = complicated_stuff(s0) ;
print(s1) ;
//lazy version computed during print
auto s2 = lazy_complicated_stuff(s0) ;
print(s2) ;
//reassigning s2
s2 = lazy_complicated_stuff(s1) ;
print(s2) ;
//now trying to reassign s1 with some lazy stuff
//desired syntax, doesn't work unless no tempate operator=
//s1 = lazy_complicated_stuff(s1) ;

//clumsy, not working unless no template constructor
//s1 = CustomScalar(lazy_complicated_stuff(s1)) ;

//unsatisfactorily working
//because both possible constructors require implicit conversion ?
//how is the priority defined then ? The non template overload ?
CustomScalar tmp = lazy_complicated_stuff(s1) ;
s1 = tmp ;
print(s1) ;

return 0 ;




CustomScalar s0(10) ;
auto s1 = complicated_stuff(s0) ;
// this resolves to:
CustomScalar s1 = complicated_stuff(s0) ;


inline CustomScalar complicated_stuff(const CustomScalar& s) 
return complicated_stuff(s.val); // call the template function
inline CustomScalar lazy_complicated_stuff(const CustomScalar& s) 
return lazy_complicated_stuff(s.val); // call the template function



