
我在CUDA中实现了1d fft。以下是代码:

// DIT FFT algorithm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define PI 3.141592653
struct complex
float real, imag;
void fill(complex *x, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
x[i].real = i;
x[i].imag = 0;
__device__ int bit_reversal(int x, float N)
float log2N = log2f(N);
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < log2N; i++)
n <<= 1;
n |= (x & 1);
x >>= 1;
return n;
__global__ void fft(complex *x, complex *rev_x, int N)
int thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
int butterfly_width, step;
struct complex wn, temp1, temp2;
float stages = log2f(N);
//bit reversal
int r = bit_reversal(thread_id, N);
rev_x[thread_id] = x[r];
//constant expression, used in twiddle factor
const double twoPIdivN = 2 * PI / N;
if (N > 1))
for (int stage = 1; stage <= stages; stage++)
step = 1 << stage;
butterfly_width = step >> 1;
int pos = thread_id / butterfly_width * step;
//printf("pos=%d ", pos);
int j = thread_id % butterfly_width;
int res = pos + j;
if (res < N)
//printf("thread: %d, pos: %d, j: %d, res:%d ", thread_id, pos, j, res);
//Wn = e^(-j*2*PI/N) converted with euler's formula(real and imaginary parts)
wn.real = cos(twoPIdivN * j * N / step);
wn.imag = -sin(twoPIdivN * j * N / step);
temp1.real = rev_x[res].real;
temp1.imag = rev_x[res].imag;
temp2.real = rev_x[res + butterfly_width].real * wn.real - rev_x[res + butterfly_width].imag * wn.imag;
temp2.imag = rev_x[res + butterfly_width].imag * wn.real + rev_x[res + butterfly_width].real * wn.imag;
rev_x[res].real = temp1.real + temp2.real;
rev_x[res].imag = temp1.imag + temp2.imag;
rev_x[res + butterfly_width].real = temp1.real - temp2.real;
rev_x[res + butterfly_width].imag = temp1.imag - temp2.imag;
//printf("(%1.2f %1.2fj) ", rev_x[thread_id].real, rev_x[thread_id].imag);
//printf("(%1.2f %1.2fj) ", rev_x[thread_id + butterfly_width].real, rev_x[thread_id + butterfly_width].imag);
//printf("(%d %d)", res, res+butterfly_width);
int main()

int N = 4096 // input number of elements
int threads = 1024;
int blocks = (N / threads == 0) ? 1 : N / threads;

struct complex *input = (struct complex *)malloc(N * sizeof(struct complex));
// struct complex *rev_input = (struct complex *)malloc(N * sizeof(struct complex));

fill(input, N);
struct complex *dev_input;
struct complex *dev_rev_input;
size_t size = N * sizeof(struct complex);
cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_input, size);
cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_rev_input, size);
cudaMemcpy(dev_input, input, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

fft<<<blocks, threads>>>(dev_input, dev_rev_input, N);

cudaMemcpy(input, dev_rev_input, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

//result fft
// printf("nResult of fft: n");
// for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
// {
//     printf(" %d- (%1.2f , %1.2fj)n", i, input[i].real, input[i].imag);
//     printf(" %d- (%1.2f , %1.2fj)n", N - i - 1, input[N - 1 - i].real, input[N - 1 - i].imag);
// }

return 0;



__global__ void fft(complex *x, complex *rev_x, int N, int stage, int butterfly_width, int step){
struct complex wn, temp1, temp2;
//constant expression, used in twiddle factor 
const double twoPIdivN = 2 * PI / N;
int thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
int r = bit_reversal(thread_id, N);
rev_x[thread_id] = x[r];
int pos = thread_id / butterfly_width * step;
int j = thread_id % butterfly_width;
int res = pos + j;
if (res < N)
//Wn = e^(-j*2*PI/N) converted with euler's formula(real and imaginary parts)
wn.real = cos(twoPIdivN * j * N / step);
wn.imag = -sin(twoPIdivN * j * N / step);
temp1.real = rev_x[res].real;
temp1.imag = rev_x[res].imag;
temp2.real = rev_x[res + butterfly_width].real * wn.real - rev_x[res + butterfly_width].imag * wn.imag;
temp2.imag = rev_x[res + butterfly_width].imag * wn.real + rev_x[res + butterfly_width].real * wn.imag;
rev_x[res].real = temp1.real + temp2.real;
rev_x[res].imag = temp1.imag + temp2.imag;
rev_x[res + butterfly_width].real = temp1.real - temp2.real;
rev_x[res + butterfly_width].imag = temp1.imag - temp2.imag;

void fft_caller(complex *x, complex *rev_x, int N)
dim3 threads(BLOCK_SIZE);
dim3 blocks(GRID_SIZE);
// int threads = 1024;
// int blocks=1;
float stages = log2f(N);
int butterfly_width, step;
if (N > 1 && is_power_of_two(N))
for (int stage = 1; stage <= stages; stage++)
printf("%d ", stage);
step = 1 << stage;
butterfly_width = step >> 1;
fft<<<blocks, threads>>>(x, rev_x, N, stage, butterfly_width, step);





__global__ void preproccess(complex *x, complex *rev_x, int N, int stage){
int thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
int r = bit_reversal(thread_id, N);
__global__ void compute_temp(complex *rev_x, int N, int stage, int butterfly_width, int step, complex *temp1, complex *temp2){
struct complex wn;
int thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
//constant expression, used in twiddle factor 
const double twoPIdivN = 2 * PI / N;

int pos = thread_id / butterfly_width * step;
int j = thread_id % butterfly_width;
int res = pos + j;
if (res < N)
//Wn = e^(-j*2*PI/N) converted with euler's formula(real and imaginary parts)
wn.real = cos(twoPIdivN * j * N / step);
wn.imag = -sin(twoPIdivN * j * N / step);
temp1[thread_id].real = rev_x[res].real;
temp1[thread_id].imag = rev_x[res].imag;
temp2[thread_id].real = rev_x[res + butterfly_width].real * wn.real - rev_x[res + butterfly_width].imag * wn.imag;
temp2[thread_id].imag = rev_x[res + butterfly_width].imag * wn.real + rev_x[res + butterfly_width].real * wn.imag;

__global__ void fft(complex *rev_x, int N, int stage, int butterfly_width, int step, complex *temp1, complex *temp2){

int thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
//constant expression, used in twiddle factor 
const double twoPIdivN = 2 * PI / N;

int pos = thread_id / butterfly_width * step;
int j = thread_id % butterfly_width;
int res = pos + j;
if (res < N)
rev_x[res].real = temp1[thread_id].real + temp2[thread_id].real;
rev_x[res].imag = temp1[thread_id].imag + temp2[thread_id].imag;
rev_x[res + butterfly_width].real = temp1[thread_id].real - temp2[thread_id].real;
rev_x[res + butterfly_width].imag = temp1[thread_id].imag - temp2[thread_id].imag;
void fft_caller(complex *x, complex *rev_x, int N)
dim3 threads(BLOCK_SIZE);
dim3 blocks(GRID_SIZE);
// int threads = 1024;
// int blocks=1;
float stages = log2f(N);
int butterfly_width, step;
struct complex *temp1;
struct complex *temp2;
size_t size = N * sizeof(struct complex);
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void **)&temp1, size));
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void **)&temp2, size));

if (N > 1 && is_power_of_two(N))
for (int stage = 1; stage <= stages; stage++)
step = 1 << stage;
butterfly_width = step >> 1;
preproccess<<<blocks,threads>>>(x, rev_x, N, stage);
compute_temp<<<blocks, threads>>>(rev_x, N, stage, butterfly_width, step, temp1, temp2);
fft<<<blocks, threads>>>(rev_x, N, stage, butterfly_width, step, temp1, temp2);





float stages = log2f(N);
for (int stage = 1; stage <= stages; stage++)
fft<<<blocks, threads>>>(dev_input, dev_rev_input, N, stage);



