
  • 本文关键字:键值 游戏 拼图游戏 检查和 python
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DEFAULT_BOARD = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 0]]
A default board if another board is not specified in the constructor
def get_empty(board):
Finds the position of the empty space in the board
:return: a dictionary eith the row and col of the empty space
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
if board[i][j] == 0:
**return {"row": i, "col": j}**
def __init__(self, the_board = DEFAULT_BOARD):
Makes a new node from an initial board
:param the_board: the initial board
if EightGameNode.legal_board(the_board):
# if the board is legal go on
self.board = the_board
# otherwise use the default board
self.board = EightGameNode.DEFAULT_BOARD
self.empty = EightGameNode.get_empty(self.board)
# set the empty space of the board
def move_left(self):
Moving the space to left
:return: a new board position or None if not possible
if self.empty == 
#If the "col" key value is 0 the empty space can't move to the left
return None
#Increase the col value by +1


def move_left(self):
r, c = self.empty["row"], self.empty["col"]
# assuming with "move left" you mean to move the "hole" left
if c > 0:
self.board[r][c] = self.board[r][c-1] # move piece to the right into the "hole"
self.board[r][c-1] = 0 # new position of the empty cell
self.empty = EightGameNode.get_empty(self.board)



self.empty["col"] -= 1 # update self.empty to new "hole" position


def move_left(self):
Moving the space to left
:return: a new board position or None if not possible
if self.empty["col"] == 0:
return None
self.empty["col"] = self.empty["col"] - 1
