

如果我在pdf页面中有多个位置与我要查找的单词相同,则会插入if (nWait == "0")语句。

这是我一直在使用的代码,它被插入到我的adobepdf中,并带有他们的Run a JavaScript Action。我完全迷路了,有人能帮我吗?

nWait = 0;
nWords = getPageNumWords(85);
for (var loop = 0; loop < [nWords - 1]; loop++) {
word = getPageNthWord(85, loop);
if (word == "1") {
if (nWait == "0") {
this.selectPageNthWord(85, loop);
nWait = nWait + 1;


// Get the number of words on the page
var nWords = getPageNumWords(85);
// Loop over all of them. Your end-condition of the loop should just be `nWords` in this case. If the number of words is 5, your loop is going to run from 0 to 4, which is 5 times (which is what you want).
for (var loop = 0; loop < nWords; loop++) {
// Get the word from Acrobat
var word = getPageNthWord(85, loop);
// If this word is what we're looking for...
if (word === "1") {
// Select it on the page, and then break the loop as we're done
this.selectPageNthWord(85, loop);
