

如何解决这个问题(假设它可以解决)。要明确的是,你想取一个int x和一个int y,并返回一些y等于x的表达式。例如,如果我输入9和2,最短的解之一(我很确定)将是((2+2)x2)+(2/2),总共有4个运算符。你可以假设正整数,因为这是我大部分时间都在做的事情。


def re_express(n, a, expression):
if n==0:
if a**a < n:
n -= a**a
expression += "+" + str(a) + "^" +str(a)
re_express(n, a, expression)
elif a*a < n:
n -= a*a
expression += "+" + str(a) + "*" + str(a)
re_express(n, a, expression)
elif a < n:
n -= a
expression += "+" + str(a)
re_express(n, a, expression)
n -= 1
expression += "+" + str(a) + "/" + str(a)
re_express(n, a, expression)


function re_express(n, a, children, root, solutions):
input: n, number to build 
a, number to build with
children, an empty array
root, a node
solutions, an empty dictionary
if not root:
root.value = a 
if the number of layers in the tree is greater than the size of the shortest solution, return the shortest solution
run through each mathematical operator and create a child node of root as long as the child will have a unique value
each child.value = operator(root, a)
for each child: child.parent = root
for each child: child.operator = operator as a string
loop through all children and check to see what number you need to produce n with each operator, if that number is in the list of children
when you find something like that then you have paths back up the tree, use the following loop for both children (obviously a child with only i 
i = 0
while child != root:
expression += “(“ + str(a) + child.operator
child = child.parent
expression += str(a)
for in range(i):
expression += “)”
then you combine the expressions and you have one possible solution to add up to n and you have one possible answer
store the solution in solutions with the key as the number of operators used and the value as the expression in string form
re_express(n, a, children, root, solutions)




让我们做示例x = 9, y = 2


2: 0 operations

从这个列表中,我们现在需要找到操作次数最少的数字。这是至关重要的,因为它保证了我们再也不需要访问这个数字了。所以我们取2。我们修复它,并探索可以使用2和所有其他固定数表达的新数。现在,我们只有2个,所以我们可以表达(使用+ - * /):

2: 0 operations, fixed
0: 1 operation (2 - 2)
1: 1 operation (2 / 2)
4: 1 operation (2 + 2 or 2 * 2)


2: 0 operations, fixed
0: 1 operation (2 - 2), fixed
1: 1 operation (2 / 2)
4: 1 operation (2 + 2 or 2 * 2)


2 + 1 = 3 with 0 + 1 + 1 = 2 operations (2 + (2 / 2))
0 + 1 = 1 with 3 operations --> the existing number of operations for `0` is better, so we do not update
1 + 1 = 2 with 3 operations
2 - 1 = 1 with 2 operations
0 - 1 = -1 with 3 operations  *new*     
1 - 2 = -1 with 2 operations  *update*
1 - 0 = 1 with 3 operations
1 - 1 = 0 with 3 operations
2 * 1 = 2 with 2 operations
0 * 1 = 0 with 3 operations
1 * 1 = 1 with 3 operations    
2 / 1 = 2 with 2 operations
0 / 1 = 0 with 3 operations
1 / 2 = invalid if you only want to consider integers, use it otherwise
1 / 0 = invalid
1 / 1 = 1 with 3 operations


2: 0 operations, fixed
0: 1 operation (2 - 2), fixed
1: 1 operation (2 / 2), fixed
3: 2 operations (2 + 2/2)
4: 1 operation (2 + 2 or 2 * 2)
-1: 2 operations (2/2 - 2)



L = create a new list with pairs of numbers and their number of operations
put (y, 0) into the list
while there are unfixed entries in the list:
c = take the unfixed entry with the least number of operations
fix c
if c = x:
for each available operation o:
for each fixed number f in L:
newNumber = o(c, f)
operations = c.numberOfOperations + f.numberOfOperations + 1
if newNumber not in L:
add (newNumber, operations) to L
else if operations < L[newNumber].numberOfOperations:
update L[newNumber].numberOfOperations = operations
repeat for o(f, c)



这是我针对这个问题的代码,我认为这不是最快、最优化的算法,但它应该总能找到最好的答案。首先,让我们假设我们没有括号,并用这些操作['+', '*', '/', '-']来解决寻找将a转换为n的最小操作数的子问题。为了解决这个问题,我们使用BFS。首先,我们定义了一个方程类:

class equation:
def __init__(self, constant, level=0, equation_list=None):
self.constant = constant
if equation_list != None:
self.equation_list = equation_list
self.equation_list = [constant]
self.level = level

def possible_results(self):
return recursive_possible_results(self.equation_list)
def get_child(self, operation):
child_equation_list = self.equation_list + [operation]
child_equation_list += [self.constant]
child_level =  self.level + 1
return equation(self.constant, child_level, child_equation_list)



calculated_expr = {}
def is_operation(symbol):
return (symbol in operations)
def recursive_possible_results(equation_list):
results = []

if len(equation_list) == 1:
return [{'val': equation_list[0], 'expr': str(equation_list[0])}]

key = ''
for i in range(len(equation_list)):
if is_operation(equation_list[i]):
key += equation_list[i]

if key in calculated_expr.keys():
return calculated_expr[key]
for i in range(len(equation_list)):
current_symbol = equation_list[i]
if is_operation(current_symbol):
left_results = recursive_possible_results(equation_list[:i])
right_results = recursive_possible_results(equation_list[i+1:])
for left_res in left_results:
for right_res in right_results:
res_val = eval(str(left_res['val']) + current_symbol + str(right_res['val']))
res_expr = '(' + left_res['expr'] + ')' + current_symbol + '(' + right_res['expr'] + ')'
results.append({'val': res_val, 'expr': res_expr})
except ZeroDivisionError:
calculated_expr[key] = results
return results



import math
import itertools 
def create_first_level(n, constant):
level_exprs = []
level_number = int(math.log(n, constant)) - 1
level_operations = list(itertools.product(operations, repeat=level_number))
for opt_list in level_operations:
equation_list = [constant]
for opt in opt_list:
level_exprs.append(equation(constant, level_number, equation_list))
return level_exprs


def re_express(n, a):
visit = set()
queue = []
# root = equation(a)
# queue.append(root)
# Skip levels
queue = create_first_level(n, a)
while queue:
curr_node = queue.pop(0)
for operation in operations:

possible_results = curr_node.possible_results()
for pr in possible_results:
if pr['val'] == n:
print('Number of operations: %d' % curr_node.level)
queue = []

re_express(9, 2)


Number of operations: 4
