



// create a listener which collects stderr output:
def errMsgs = []
StandardOutputListener errListener = { errMsgs << it }
// add the listener to both the project *and* all tasks:
project.logging.addStandardErrorListener errListener
project.tasks.all { it.logging.addStandardErrorListener errListener }
// evaluate the collected stderr output at the end of the build:
gradle.buildFinished {
if (errMsgs) {
// (or fail in whatever other way makes sense for you)
throw new RuntimeException(errMsgs.toString())

// example showing that the project-level capturing of stderr logs works:
if (project.hasProperty('projErr'))
System.err.print('proj stderr msg')
// example showing that the task-level capturing of stderr logs works:
task foo {
doLast {
System.err.print('task stderr msg')
// example showing that stdout logs are not captured:
task bar {
doLast {
System.out.print('task stdout msg')


# doesn’t fail:
./gradlew bar
# fails due to project error:
./gradlew -PprojErr bar
# fails due to task error:
./gradlew foo
# fails due to both task and project error:
./gradlew -PprojErr foo
