

#Percentage of data with 95% or greated discount
print((df[df["itc_disc_95_itc_sku"] == True].shape[0] /df.shape[0])*100, 'Percent of ITC Sku discounts were between 95 and 120')
print((df[df["itc_disc_95_disc_per_coupon"] == True].shape[0] /df.shape[0])*100, 'Percent of Discounts per coupon were between 95 and 120')
print((df[df["itc_disc_95_disc_open_box"] == True].shape[0] /df.shape[0])*100, 'Percent of Open Box Discounts were between 95 and 120')
print((df[df["itc_disc_95_disc_employee"] == True].shape[0] /df.shape[0])*100, 'Percent of Employee discounts were between 95 and 120')
print((df[df["itc_disc_95_disc_overide"] == True].shape[0] /df.shape[0])*100, 'Percent of Overide discounts were between 95 and 120')
12.0676663204247 Percent of ITC Sku discounts were between 95 and 120
8.827338637725374 Percent of Discounts per coupon were between 95 and 120
0.0855575236983875 Percent of Open Box Discounts were between 95 and 120
0.022239723285513567 Percent of Employee discounts were between 95 and 120
0.0 Percent of Overide discounts were between 95 and 120


12.07% Percent of ITC Sku discounts were between 95 and 120
8.83% Percent of Discounts per coupon were between 95 and 120
0.09% Percent of Open Box Discounts were between 95 and 120
0.02% Percent of Employee discounts were between 95 and 120
0.0% Percent of Overide discounts were between 95 and 120

具有%的f字符串?那么你就不需要* 100了。

>>> x = 0.120676663204247
>>> f'{x:.2%} of all questions are not completely terrible'
'12.07% of all questions are not completely terrible'


print(f'{(df[df["itc_disc_95_itc_sku"] == True].shape[0] /df.shape[0])*100:.2f}%, Percent of ITC Sku discounts were between 95 and 120')


num1 = ...
percentage = '{0.2%}'.format(num1)

