



public class Cup
// instance variables 
private int volume; // in oz.
private String color;
private String material;
* Default Constructor for objects of class Cup
public Cup()
// initialise instance variables
volume = 8;
color = "white";
material = "ceramic";

public Cup(int v, String c, String m)
// initialise instance variables
volume = v;
color = c;
material = m;

public Cup(Cup other)
// initialise instance variables
volume = other.volume;
color = other.color;
material = other.material;

public void set(int v, String c, String m)
volume = v;
color = c;
material = m;

public String toString()
return "This is a " + color + " cup made of " + material
+ "nIt holds " + volume + " oz. ";
* @return    the volume
public int getVolume()
return volume;

public String getColor()
return color;

public String getMaterial()
return material;

public boolean equals(Cup other)
if(other == null)
return false;
else if( getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
Cup otherCup = (Cup)other;
return volume == otherCup.volume && color.equals(otherCup.color) && material.equals(otherCup.material);

public class LogoCup extends Cup
private String logo;
private String slogan;
public LogoCup()
super( );
logo = "";
slogan = "";

public LogoCup(int v, String c, String m, String lg, String s)
super(v, c, m );
logo = lg;
slogan = s;

public LogoCup(LogoCup other)
super(other );
logo = other.logo;
slogan = other.slogan;
public String toString()
return super.toString()
+ " Logo: " + logo + " Slogan: " + slogan;

public boolean equals(LogoCup other)
if(other == null)
return false;
else if( getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
LogoCup otherLogoCup = (LogoCup)other;
return logo.equals(otherLogoCup.logo) && slogan.equals(otherLogoCup.slogan) && super.equals( otherLogoCup);

public String getLogo()

return logo;

public String getSlogan()
return slogan;

public class TravelCup extends LogoCup
public TravelCup()

public TravelCup(int v, String c, String m, String lg, String s)
super(v, c, m, lg, s );

public TravelCup(TravelCup other)
super(other );

public String toString()
return "Travel Cup! " + super.toString() + "nEvery TravelCup has a lid!";

public boolean equals(Object other)
if(other == null)
return false;
else if( getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
TravelCup otherTravelCup = (TravelCup)other;
return super.equals( otherTravelCup);

public boolean equals(Object handle);




  • 通过构造函数添加了字段boolean hasHandle、它的getter和设置
  • 更新构造函数以使用this(...)使用现有构造函数
  • 更新toStringequals以包括新字段
  • (可选(添加了set方法,通过调用需要添加到LogoCupsuper.set来设置所有参数
class TravelCup extends LogoCup {
private boolean hasHandle = false;

public TravelCup() {

public TravelCup(int v, String c, String m, String lg, String s) {
this(v, c, m, lg, s, false);

public TravelCup(int v, String c, String m, String lg, String s, boolean h) {
super(v, c, m, lg, s );
this.hasHandle = h;
public TravelCup(TravelCup other) {
this.hasHandle = other.hasHandle;

public String toString() {
return "Travel Cup! " + super.toString() + ", hasHandle? " + hasHandle + "nEvery TravelCup has a lid!";

public boolean equals(Object other)
if(other == null)
return false;
if (this == other)
return true;
if(getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
TravelCup otherTravelCup = (TravelCup) other;
return super.equals(otherTravelCup) && this.hasHandle == otherTravelCup.hasHandle;

public boolean hasHandle() {
return hasHandle; 

public void set(int v, String c, String m, String l, String s, boolean h)
super.set(v, c, m, l, s);
this.hasHandle = h;
// class LogoCup
class LogoCup extends Cup {
// ...
public void set(int v, String c, String m, String l, String s) {
super.set(v, c, m);
logo = l;
slogan = s;
