


class User{
//initialize the user properties
public string $name="";
public string $dob="";
public string $national_id="";
public string $tel="";
public string $email="";
public function User($user_name,$dob,$national_id,$tel,$mail){
//assign the values inside the constructor
function validate_dob(){

//get a new time in millis from the date passed in

//add conditional structures to make sure the date is not in the 
//future and is within acceptable time range
//get the current time from the unix timestamp
echo "n";
echo "That is impossible, you birth date cannot be in the future";
//if the date is also 1900 and below then also throw an error, i need help here


$date_obj = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y',$this->dob);
$current_time = new DateTime('NOW');
$date1900 = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y','01-01-1900');
if($date_obj > $current_time){
echo "n";
echo "That is impossible, your birth date cannot be in the future";
if($date_obj < $date1900){
echo "n";
echo "That is impossible, your birth date cannot before the year 1900";


$date1   =   date('d-m-Y',strtotime($this->dob));
$date2   =   date('d-m-Y',strtotime(time());
$d1 = new DateTime($date1);
$d2 = new DateTime($date2); 
if($date1 >$date2 ){
echo "n";
echo "That is impossible, you birth date cannot be in the future";
