
ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%/."
MESSAGE = "6@ $2a2/.zb/4 ya a5ya a6!2 y 0#!$960ya21 .a/b4492 dy. z26@4 0y//621 #@ d6a5 4/2ya2/ 52ya a5y@ 2c2/ 6@ a52 56452.a 06/092., z2ad22@ a52 $y/a62. #3 /b!fy@a.2c, a52 3/2@05, !y/fy 321#/#c@y, a52 A.y/2c605, y@1 #a52/., 1/#d@21 y. b.by9 zf a52 zbgg6@4 #3 a52 0#b/a 1/#@2.x Zba a52 0y9!, 9beb/6#b. 9632 #3 $2a2/.zb/4, 0#@02/@21 #@9f yz#ba $5y@a#!. y@1 /23920a6#@. #3 /2y9 9632, d2@a #@ 6@ 6a. #91 dyf y@1 !y12 6a 5y/1, 2e02$a zf y 4/2ya 233#/a, a# /2y96g2 a52 1y@42/ y@1 a52 163360b9a $#.6a6#@ #3 a52 /b..6y@ $2#$92x A52/2 d2/2 a52 .y!2 /202$a6#@. y@1 zy99., a52 .y!2 3/2@05 a52ya2/, a52 .y!2 0#b/a 6@a2/2.a. y@1 .2/c602 6@a2/2.a. y@1 6@a/64b2. y. b.by9x #@9f 6@ a52 c2/f 56452.a 06/092. d2/2 yaa2!$a. !y12 a# 822$ 6@ !6@1 a52 163360b9a62. #3 a52 y0aby9 $#.6a6#@x .a#/62. d2/2 d56.$2/21 #3 5#d 16332/2@a9f a52 ad# 2!$/2..2. z25yc21 6@ a52.2 163360b9a 06/0b!.ay@02.x A52 2!$/2.. !y/fy, 0#@02/@21 3#/ a52 d293y/2 #3 a52 05y/6ayz92 y@1 21b0ya6#@y9 6@.a6aba6#@. b@12/ 52/ $ya/#@y42, 5y1 46c2@ 16/20a6#@. a5ya a52f .5#b91 y99 z2 /2!#c21 a# 8ygy@, y@1 a52 a56@4. z29#@46@4 a# a52.2 6@.a6aba6#@. 5y1 y9/2y1f z22@ $y0821 b$x A52 2!$/2.. 296.yz2a5, 5#d2c2/, d52@ y.821 d5ya 6@.a/b0a6#@. .52 d#b91 z2 $92y.21 a# 46c2- d6a5 52/ 05y/y0a2/6.a60 /b..6y@ $ya/6#a6.! 5y1 /2$9621 a5ya .52 0#b91 46c2 @# 16/20a6#@. yz#ba .aya2 6@.a6aba6#@. 3#/ a5ya dy. a52 y33y6/ #3 a52 .#c2/264@, zba y. 3y/ y. .52 $2/.#@y99f dy. 0#@02/@21 .52 d#b91 z2 a52 9y.a a# %b6a $2a2/.zb/4x"
def importDictionary():
f = open(r"dictionary.txt")
english = []
for word in f.read().split('n'):
return english
english = importDictionary()     

def isEnglish(plaintext):
Does not work
checking if plaintext letter is upper case
for letter in plaintext:
uppercase = letter.isupper()
possibleWord = [i.lower() for i in plaintext.split()]
newWords = []
match = 0
totalWords = 0

for word in possibleWord:
totalWords += 1
if word in english:
match += 1

Does not work
If the letter was upper case reassign the letter to it's original form
if uppercase:
letter = plaintext.upper()
if (match/totalWords) * 100 >= 60:
return ''.join(map(str, plaintext))
return ""
def decryptstr(message,key):
#creating a list for new letters
newletters = []
#loop to assign new letter value
for letter in message:
uppercase = letter.isupper()
letter = letter.lower()
#checking if the letter is upper or lower
if letter in ALPHABET:
index = ALPHABET.find(letter)
newindex = (index - key) % len(ALPHABET)
letter = ALPHABET[newindex]
if uppercase:
letter = letter.upper()
#joining the list
return ''.join(newletters)

def main():
x = 0
while x < len(ALPHABET):
key = int(x)
newString = decryptstr(MESSAGE,key)
statment = isEnglish(newString)
print("The Decryption key is: "+str(x)+"n"+statment)
x = x + 1

大家好,代码,据我所知,代码功能齐全。我确实需要关于print("The Decryption key is: "+str(x)+"n"+statment)的帮助,我只希望它在实际返回内容时打印,而不是在返回""时打印。我对代码唯一的另一个问题是,当MESSAGE这么长时,它需要很长的时间。有人对我如何加速这个代码有什么想法吗这是字典

def main():
x = 0
while x < len(ALPHABET):
key = int(x)
newString = decryptstr(MESSAGE,key)
statment = isEnglish(newString)
if statment:
print("The Decryption key is: "+str(x)+"n"+statment)
x = x + 1

在main中,刚刚在print语句之前添加了if statment:。还要拼写检查😅.
