



Write-Host "enter user id" 
$user = Read-Host
# Forrest were groups are nested 
$LDAPServer = 'wwg00m.rootdom.net'
# Get SID from user 
$adUsr = Get-ADUser $user -Properties SID | Select-Object SID
# Get all groups from Query in AD 
$Groups = Get-ADObject -server $LDAPServer -LDAPFilter '(&(objectCategory=group)(name=*_EN))' | Select Name
# Get all Members from each group, replacing characters to get equal SID ID like $adUser
$Members = (Get-ADGroup -Identity $Groups -Server $LDAPServer -Properties Members).Members -Replace ("CN=", "") -Replace (",ForeignSecurityPrincipals,DC=wwg00m,DC=rootdom,DC=net", "") 
foreach ($adUsr in $members) {
GroupName = $Members.Name


try {
# Get user input
$user = Read-Host "Enter User ID"
# Forrest were groups are nested 
$LDAPServer = 'wwg00m.rootdom.net'
# Get the SID of the user in the Current Domain
$sid = Get-ADUser $user
# Get the DistinguishedName of the user in the other Domain
$dn = (Get-ADUser $sid.SID -Server $LDAPServer).DistinguishedName
# Search for all groups where this DN is a member
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter "(member=$dn)" -Server $LDAPServer | ForEach-Object {
# here we can combine the user's data in the Current and Trusted Domain
# change the output as needed
GroupName             = $_.Name
UserName              = $sid.Name
UserDistinguishedName = $dn
catch {
# Error handling here...
Write-Error $_
