





Public Class Policy
<JsonProperty("policy_id", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property policy_id As String = Nothing
<JsonProperty("insurer_name", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property insurer_name As String = Nothing
<JsonProperty("policy_name", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property policy_name As String = Nothing
<JsonProperty("product_name", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property product_name As String = Nothing
<JsonProperty("sale_date", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property sale_date As DateTime = Nothing
<JsonProperty("start_date", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property start_date As DateTime = Nothing
<JsonProperty("end_date", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property end_date As DateTime = Nothing
<JsonProperty("status", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property status As String = Nothing
<JsonProperty("vehicles", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property vehicles As New List(Of Vehicle)
<JsonProperty("people", NullValueHandling:=NullValueHandling.Ignore)>
Public Property persons As New List(Of Person)
End Class
Private Function get_JSON(ByVal branch As String, ByVal policyref As String) As String
For Each p As DataRow In dt_policies.Rows

Dim oPolicy As New Policy() With {
.policy_id = p("B@") & p("PolRef@"),
.insurer_name = p("insurer_name"),
.policy_name = p("policy_name"),
.product_name = p("product_name"),
.sale_date = p("sale_date"),
.start_date = p("start_date"),
.end_date = p("end_date"),
.status = p("status"),
.vehicles = get_vehicles(p("B@"), p("PolRef@")),
.persons = get_persons(p("B@"), p("PolRef@"))
Dim json As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oPolicy, NullValueHandling.Ignore)
Return json
End Function
Private Function ReturnNothing(ByVal rstring As String) As String
If rstring = "" Then
Return Nothing
Return rstring
End If
End Function


Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module DataTableExtensions
Function GetVal(row As DataRow, columnName As String) As Object
Dim val As Object = row(columnName)
If TypeOf val Is DBNull OrElse (TypeOf val Is String AndAlso val = "") Then
Return Nothing
End If
Return val
End Function
End Module


Dim oPolicy As New Policy() With 
.policy_id = p.GetVal("B@") & p.GetVal("PolRef@"),
.insurer_name = p.GetVal("insurer_name"),
.policy_name = p.GetVal("policy_name"),
.product_name = p.GetVal("product_name"),
.sale_date = p.GetVal("sale_date"),
.start_date = p.GetVal("start_date"),
.end_date = p.GetVal("end_date"),
.status = p.GetVal("status"),
.vehicles = get_vehicles(p.GetVal("B@"), p.GetVal("PolRef@")),
.persons = get_persons(p.GetVal("B@"), p.GetVal("PolRef@"))


Public Class Policy
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("policy_id")>
Public Property policy_id As String = Nothing
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("insurer_name")>
Public Property insurer_name As String = Nothing
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("policy_name")>
Public Property policy_name As String = Nothing
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("product_name")>
Public Property product_name As String = Nothing
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("sale_date")>
Public Property sale_date As DateTime = Nothing
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("start_date")>
Public Property start_date As DateTime = Nothing
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("end_date")>
Public Property end_date As DateTime = Nothing
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("status")>
Public Property status As String = Nothing
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("vehicles")>
Public Property vehicles As New List(Of Vehicle)
<DefaultValue("")> <JsonProperty("people")>
Public Property persons As New List(Of Person)
End Class


Dim settings = New JsonSerializerSettings With {
.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
.DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore,
.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
Dim json As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oPolicy, settings)
