


Sub CountOccurences_SpecificText_In_Folder()
Dim MailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strSpecificText As String
Dim tmpStr As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim Count As Integer

Dim HunterCnt As Integer
Dim SunmolaCnt As Integer
Dim RodriguezCnt As Integer
Dim MammedatyCnt As Integer
Dim MitchellCnt As Integer
Dim TannerCnt As Integer
Dim TAYLORCnt As Integer
Dim WilsonCnt As Integer
Dim WilliamsCnt As Integer
Dim GrooverCnt As Integer
Dim TyreeCnt As Integer
Dim ChapmanCnt As Integer
Dim LukerCnt As Integer
Dim KlinedinstCnt As Integer
Dim HicksCnt As Integer
Dim NATHANIALCnt As Integer
Dim SkinnerCnt As Integer
Dim SimonsCnt As Integer

Dim AgentNames(14) As Variant
AgentNames(0) = "Simons"
AgentNames(1) = "Skinner"
AgentNames(2) = "Mammedaty"
AgentNames(3) = "Hunter"
AgentNames(4) = "Sunmola"
AgentNames(5) = "Rodriguez"
AgentNames(6) = "Mitchell"
AgentNames(7) = "Tanner"
AgentNames(8) = "Taylor"
AgentNames(9) = "Wilson"
AgentNames(10) = "Williams"
AgentNames(11) = "Groover"
AgentNames(12) = "Tyree"
AgentNames(13) = "Chapman"
AgentNames(14) = "Luker"

x = 0
While x < ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count

x = x + 1
Set MailItem = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(x)
tmpStr = MailItem.Body

For Each Agent In AgentNames
If InStr(tmpStr, Agent) <> 0 Then
If Agent = "Assunta" Then
HunterCnt = HunterCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If
If Agent = "Sunmola" Then
SunmolaCnt = SunmolaCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If
If Agent = "Rodriguez" Then
RodriguezCnt = RodriguezCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Mammedaty" Then
MammedatyCnt = MammedatyCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Mitchell" Then
MitchellCnt = MitchellCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Tanner" Then
TannerCnt = TannerCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Taylor" Then
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Wilson" Then
WilsonCnt = WilsonCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Williams" Then
WilliamsCnt = WilliamsCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Groover" Then
GrooverCnt = GrooverCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Tyree" Then
TyreeCnt = TyreeCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Chapman" Then
ChapmanCnt = ChapmanCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Luker" Then
LukerCnt = LukerCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

If Agent = "Hicks" Then
HicksCnt = HicksCnt + 1
GoTo skip
End If

End If
Count = Count + 1
MsgBox "Found " & vbCrLf & "Hunter Count: " & HunterCnt & vbCrLf & "Sunmola Count: " & SunmolaCnt & vbCrLf & "Rodriguez Count: " & RodriguezCnt & vbCrLf & "Mammedaty Count: " & MammedatyCnt & vbCrLf & "Mitchell Count: " & MitchellCnt & vbCrLf & "Tanner Count: " & TannerCnt & vbCrLf & "Taylor Count: " & TAYLORCnt & vbCrLf & "Wilson Count: " & WilsonCnt & vbCrLf & "Williams Count: " & WilliamsCnt & vbCrLf & "Groover Count: " & GrooverCnt & vbCrLf & "Tyree Count: " & TyreeCnt & vbCrLf & "Chapman Count: " & ChapmanCnt & vbCrLf & "Luker Count: " & LukerCnt & vbCrLf & " in: " & Count & " emails"
End Sub


Sub CountOccurences_SpecificText_In_Folder()
Dim MailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim i As Long, x As Long, position As Long, First As Long

Dim AgentNames() As String
AgentNames = Split("Simons,Skinner,Mammedaty,Hunter,Sunmola,Rodriguez,Mitchell,Tanner,Taylor,Wilson,Williams,Groover,Tyree,Chapman,Luker", ",")

Dim AgentCount(LBound(AgentNames) To UBound(AgentNames)) As Long
For i = LBound(AgentCount) To UBound(AgentCount)
AgentCount(i) = 0
Next i
For Each MailItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection
x = 0
For i = LBound(AgentNames) To UBound(AgentNames)
position = InStr(MailItem.Body, AgentNames(i))
If x > 0 Then
If position < x Then
x = position
First = i
End If
If position > 0 Then
x = position
First = i
End If
End If
Next i
AgentCount(First) = AgentCount(First) + 1
Next MailItem
For i = LBound(AgentNames) To UBound(AgentNames)
Debug.Print AgentNames(i) & " Count: " & AgentCount(i)
Next i

End Sub


Option Explicit
Sub CountOccurences_SpecificText_SelectedItems()
Dim objItem As Object
Dim objMail As MailItem

Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long

Dim x As Long
Dim position As Long
Dim First As Long

Dim AgentNames() As String
AgentNames = Split("Simons,Skinner,Mammedaty,Hunter,Sunmola,Rodriguez,Mitchell,Tanner,Taylor,Wilson,Williams,Groover,Tyree,Chapman,Luker", ",")

ReDim AgentCount(LBound(AgentNames) To UBound(AgentNames)) As Long

For j = 1 To ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count

Set objItem = ActiveExplorer.Selection(j)

' Verify before attempting to return mailitem poroperties
If TypeOf objItem Is MailItem Then

Set objMail = objItem
Debug.Print "objMail.Subject: " & objMail.Subject

x = Len(objMail.Body)

For i = LBound(AgentNames) To UBound(AgentNames)

Debug.Print "AgentNames(i): " & AgentNames(i)
position = InStr(objMail.Body, AgentNames(i))
Debug.Print "       position: " & position

If position > 0 Then
If position < x Then
x = position
First = i
End If
End If

Debug.Print "Lowest position: " & x
Debug.Print "  Current first: " & AgentNames(First)

Next i

If x < Len(objMail.Body) Then

AgentCount(First) = AgentCount(First) + 1
Debug.Print AgentNames(First) & " was found first"

Debug.Print "No agent found."

End If

End If
For i = LBound(AgentNames) To UBound(AgentNames)
Debug.Print AgentNames(i) & " Count: " & AgentCount(i)
Next i

End Sub

