

当我向GPT-3(Da Vinci,所有其他参数正常(发出以下提示时,它会像预期的那样给我一个摘要:

Summarise this text:
We took to the streets of London on the London hire bikes aka Boris Bikes / BoJo Bikes; previously Barclays Bikes and now Santander Bikes – bloomin heck this is complicated.  I knew the direction where I wanted to get to and knew how to get there except I didn’t really.
We started our journey at one of bike hire station in St John’s Wood and continued around Regents Park (the wrong way) Simon got us to one of the gateways to the path along the Regents Canal.  Sometimes they can be quite difficult to find; this was one of those times. This particular one was located at the back of a housing estate; only that Simon knew where it was there was no way I would have found it.
Off down the canal we went. Sunday afternoons are a busy time along the canal with local people mixed in with tourists from all over the world; so cycling along a narrow path is not easy as everyone walks on different sides of the path (according to where they come from)! We got towards Camden Market and the path got very busy, to the point that I almost went into the canal but with a wibble and a wobble I managed to stay in.  At that point the decision was easily made to get off that bike and walk it. The Santander App showed us where the nearest parking station was and that there was space available to park up.
Coffee time! Forget the major chains, we found a small local place called T & G for some cups of coffee and a sarnie before we went out to find out next bike to get us to Granary Square in Kings Cross for our next stop. From the canal path there is a grassed set of steps going up to the Square but first we parked up the bikes on the other side of the canal. So many places to choose from to hang out, for drinks and for food or trains to Paris, Lille, Edinburgh or Manchester to start off with.
All in all, we went out and achieved what we intended to – a cycle along the canal with a couple of stops along the way for some food and drinks.  What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
// GPT-3's answer:
The author takes a Boris Bike (a bike available for rent in London) and cycles along the Regents Canal. They note that the path is busy on a Sunday afternoon, but manage to find a parking spot for their bike before exploring the area around Granary Square in Kings Cross.



Convert the following to past tense second person:
The author takes a Boris Bike (a bike available for rent in London) and cycles along the Regents Canal. They note that the path is busy on a Sunday afternoon, but manage to find a parking spot for their bike before exploring the area around Granary Square in Kings Cross.
// GPT-3's answer:
You took a Boris Bike and cycled along the Regents Canal. You noted that the path was busy on a Sunday afternoon, but managed to find a parking spot for your bike before exploring the area around Granary Square in Kings Cross.


Summarise the following and convert the result to past tense second person:




Story Text: "We took to the streets of London on the London hire bikes aka Boris Bikes / BoJo Bikes; previously Barclays Bikes and now Santander Bikes – bloomin heck this is complicated.  I knew the direction where I wanted to get to and knew how to get there except I didn’t really.
We started our journey at one of bike hire station in St John’s Wood and continued around Regents Park (the wrong way) Simon got us to one of the gateways to the path along the Regents Canal.  Sometimes they can be quite difficult to find; this was one of those times. This particular one was located at the back of a housing estate; only that Simon knew where it was there was no way I would have found it.
Story Text: "We took to the streets of London on the London hire bikes aka Boris Bikes / BoJo Bikes; previously Barclays Bikes and now Santander Bikes – bloomin heck this is complicated.  I knew the direction where I wanted to get to and knew how to get there except I didn’t really.
We started our journey at one of bike hire station in St John’s Wood and continued around Regents Park (the wrong way) Simon got us to one of the gateways to the path along the Regents Canal.  Sometimes they can be quite difficult to find; this was one of those times. This particular one was located at the back of a housing estate; only that Simon knew where it was there was no way I would have found it.
Off down the canal we went. Sunday afternoons are a busy time along the canal with local people mixed in with tourists from all over the world; so cycling along a narrow path is not easy as everyone walks on different sides of the path (according to where they come from)! We got towards Camden Market and the path got very busy, to the point that I almost went into the canal but with a wibble and a wobble I managed to stay in.  At that point the decision was easily made to get off that bike and walk it. The Santander App showed us where the nearest parking station was and that there was space available to park up.
Coffee time! Forget the major chains, we found a small local place called T & G for some cups of coffee and a sarnie before we went out to find out next bike to get us to Granary Square in Kings Cross for our next stop. From the canal path there is a grassed set of steps going up to the Square but first we parked up the bikes on the other side of the canal. So many places to choose from to hang out, for drinks and for food or trains to Paris, Lille, Edinburgh or Manchester to start off with."
Following is the Summary of the Story Text (1) and Second Person Past Tense of that Summary (2): 

因此,通过使用";以下是故事文本(1(的摘要和该摘要(2(的第二人称过去时:1(";我们以一种简单且语法上强烈概括的方式对GPT-3进行了偏见,这种偏见是提示中的最后一件事;我们还通过已经提供";1( ";(但内容为空(。


We took the London hire bikes for a ride and ended up at a coffee shop near Camden Market.
2) You took the London hire bikes for a ride and ended up at a coffee shop near Camden Market.

我建议你也加上";3( ";作为在GPT-3添加太多的情况下的停止序列。现在,通过在换行符旁边进行拆分,可以很容易地对结果进行解析;2( ";,修剪,然后抓取线[0]和[1]。
