




def bin_max(L):
Returns max of all values in list L by recursive calls with lower and upper
halves of L. If L is empty, this returns -1e20
Ex. usage:  bin_max([ 2, 1, 6, 8, -3, 7 -5, 5])  -->  returns: 8

minVal = -1e20
if L == []:
return minVal   

if len(L) == 1:
return L[0] 
mid = len(L)//2

Left  = L[:mid]
Right = L[mid:]

if len(Left)> 1:
if len(Right)> 1:

您几乎做到了,代码中有两个错误。第一个是如果条件if len(Left)> 1:if len(Right)> 1:,则它们不是真正需要的。事实上,他们甚至可能阻止你达到基本情况。如果列表的长度小于1,则处理基本情况。


def bin_max(input_list):
Returns max of all values in list L by recursive calls with lower and upper
halves of L. If L is empty, this returns -1e20
Ex. usage:  bin_max([ 2, 1, 6, 8, -3, 7 -5, 5])  -->  returns: 8
# This handles if the len of list reaches less than 1
if len(input_list) == 0:
return -1e20
# If length if list is one, we return that single element
if len(input_list) == 1:
return input_list[0]
# Splitting of the list
mid = len(input_list) // 2
left = input_list[:mid]
right = input_list[mid:]
# Finding the biggest element in left sub list
left_max_value = bin_max(left)
# Finding the biggest element in right sub list
right_max_value = bin_max(right)
# Comparing the result from both sides and returning the biggest value
# You can use return max(left_max_value, right_max_value) as well if you
# don't like if-else condition
if right_max_value > left_max_value:
return right_max_value
return left_max_value
