基于多个条件(userID、结束日期=开始日期等)聚合Pandas DataFrame行


车辆ID 开始位置时间 结束位置时间 持续时间(秒( 行驶的米数
XXXXX 2021-10-26 06:01:12+00:00 2021-20-26 06:25:06+000:00 1434
XXXXX 2021-10-19 13:49:09+00:00 2021-0-19 13:59:29+00:00 620 5000
XXXXX 2021-10-19 13:20:36+000:00 2021-20-19 13:26:40+00:00 364
YYYY 2022-09-10 15:14:07+000:00 2022-07-10 15:29:39+00:00 932
YYYY 2022-08-28 15:16:35+000:00 2022-28 15:28:43+00:00 72890000



import pandas as pd
from datetime import timedelta
data = {'vehicleID': {0: 'XXXXX', 1: 'XXXXX', 2: 'XXXXX', 3: 'YYYYY', 
4: 'YYYYY'}, 
'start pos time': {0: '2021-10-26 06:01:12+00:00', 
1: '2021-10-19 13:49:09+00:00', 
2: '2021-10-19 13:20:36+00:00', 
3: '2022-09-10 15:14:07+00:00', 
4: '2022-08-28 15:16:35+00:00'}, 
'end pos time': {0: '2021-10-26 06:25:06+00:00', 
1: '2021-10-19 13:59:29+00:00', 
2: '2021-10-19 13:26:40+00:00', 
3: '2022-09-10 15:29:39+00:00', 
4: '2022-08-28 15:28:43+00:00'}, 
'duration (seconds)': {0: 1434, 1: 620, 2: 364, 3: 932, 4: 728}, 
'meters travelled': {0: 2000, 1: 5000, 2: 70000, 3: 8000, 4: 90000}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)


  • vehicleID中的所有(唯一值(按连续顺序排列
  • 对于列vehicleID中的每个组,列start pos time中的相关联的时间戳按降序排序




# if still needed, change date time strings into timestamps
df[['start pos time','end pos time']] = df[['start pos time','end pos time']].
apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, infer_datetime_format=True))
# check (start time + timedelta 29m+59s) < (end time shifted)
cond1 = (df.loc[:,'end pos time']+timedelta(minutes=29, seconds=59))
.lt(df.loc[:,'start pos time'].shift(1))
# check `vehicleID` != it's own shift (this means a new group is starting)
# i.e. a new group should always get `True`
cond2 = (df.loc[:,'vehicleID'] != df.loc[:,'vehicleID'].shift(1))
# cumsum result of OR check conds
cond = (cond1 | cond2).cumsum()
# apply groupby on ['vehicleID' & cond] and aggregate appropriate functions
# (adding vehicleID is now unnecessary, but this keeps the col in the data)
res = df.groupby(['vehicleID', cond], as_index=False).agg(
{'start pos time':'min',
'end pos time':'max',
'duration (seconds)':'sum',
'meters travelled':'sum'}
vehicleID            start pos time              end pos time  
0     XXXXX 2021-10-26 06:01:12+00:00 2021-10-26 06:25:06+00:00   
1     XXXXX 2021-10-19 13:20:36+00:00 2021-10-19 13:59:29+00:00   
2     YYYYY 2022-09-10 15:14:07+00:00 2022-09-10 15:29:39+00:00   
3     YYYYY 2022-08-28 15:16:35+00:00 2022-08-28 15:28:43+00:00   
duration (seconds)  meters travelled  
0                1434              2000  
1                 984             75000  
2                 932              8000  
3                 728             90000  


更新:在@BeRT2me的answer中,合并为新行的所有原始行的duration (seconds)的值不会被相加,而是根据新的开始和结束时间重新计算持续时间。这很有道理。如果你想用我的方法做到这一点,只需调整代码的最后一部分如下:

# cut out `duration` here:
res = df.groupby(['vehicleID', cond], as_index=False).agg(
{'start pos time':'min',
'end pos time':'max',
# 'duration (seconds)':'sum',
'meters travelled':'sum'}
# and recalculate the duration
res['duration (seconds)'] = res['end pos time'].
sub(res['start pos time']).dt.total_seconds()



df = pd.DataFrame({'vehicleID': {0: 'XXXXX', 1: 'XXXXX', 2: 'XXXXX', 3: 'YYYYY',
4: 'YYYYY'},
'start pos time': {0: '2021-10-26 06:01:12+00:00',
1: '2021-10-19 13:49:09+00:00',
2: '2021-10-19 13:20:36+00:00',
3: '2022-09-10 15:14:07+00:00',
4: '2022-08-28 15:16:35+00:00'},
'end pos time': {0: '2021-10-26 06:25:06+00:00',
1: '2021-10-19 13:59:29+00:00',
2: '2021-10-19 13:26:40+00:00',
3: '2022-09-10 15:29:39+00:00',
4: '2022-08-28 15:28:43+00:00'},
'duration (seconds)': {0: 1434, 1: 620, 2: 364, 3: 932, 4: 728},
'meters travelled': {0: 2000, 1: 5000, 2: 70000, 3: 8000, 4: 90000}
# sort dataframe by ID and then start time of trip
df = df.sort_values(by=['vehicleID', 'start pos time'])
# create a new column with the end time of the previous ride
df.loc[:, 'prev end'] = df['end pos time'].shift(1)
# create a new column with the difference between the start time of the current trip and the end time of the prior one
df.loc[:, 'diff'] = df.loc[:, 'start pos time'] - df.loc[:, 'prev end']

# helper function to convert difference between datetime objects to seconds
def get_total_seconds(datetime_delta):
return datetime_delta.total_seconds()

# convert difference column to seconds
df.loc[:, 'diff'] = df['diff'].apply(get_total_seconds)
# where vehicle IDs are the same and the difference between the start time of the current trip and end time of the
# prior trip is less than or equal to 30 minutes, change the start time of the current trip to the start time of the 
# prior one
df.loc[((df['vehicleID'] == df['vehicleID'].shift(1)) & (df['diff'] <= 30*60)), 'start pos time'] = df['start pos time'].shift(1)
# create a new dataframe, grouped by vehicle ID and trip start time, using the maximum end time for each group
new_df = df.groupby(['vehicleID', 'start pos time'], as_index=False).agg({'end pos time':'max',
    'duration (seconds)':'sum',
    'meters travelled':'sum'})


# [based on @ouroboros1 solution] where vehicle IDs are the same and the difference between the start time of the current
# trip and end time of the prior trip is less than or equal to 30 minutes, put trips in the same "group"
df.loc[:, 'group'] = ((df['vehicleID'] != df['vehicleID'].shift(1)) | (df['diff'] > 30*60)).cumsum()
# create a new dataframe, grouped by vehicle ID and group, using the minimum start time and maximum end time for each group
new_df = df.groupby(['vehicleID', 'group'], as_index=False).agg({'start pos time':'min',
'end pos time':'max',
'duration (seconds)':'sum',
'meters travelled':'sum'})
def func(d):
mask = d.start_pos_time.sub(d.end_pos_time.shift(-1)).lt('30m')
d.loc[mask, 'start_pos_time'] = d.start_pos_time.shift(-1)
d = d.groupby('start_pos_time', as_index=False).agg({'end_pos_time': 'max', 'meters_travelled': 'sum'})
return d
df = df.groupby('vehicleID').apply(func).reset_index('vehicleID').reset_index(drop=True)
df['duration_(seconds)'] = (df.end_pos_time - df.start_pos_time).dt.total_seconds()


vehicleID            start_pos_time              end_pos_time  meters_travelled  duration_(seconds)
0     XXXXX 2021-10-19 13:20:36+00:00 2021-10-19 13:59:29+00:00             75000              2333.0
1     XXXXX 2021-10-26 06:01:12+00:00 2021-10-26 06:25:06+00:00              2000              1434.0
2     YYYYY 2022-08-28 15:16:35+00:00 2022-08-28 15:28:43+00:00             90000               728.0
3     YYYYY 2022-09-10 15:14:07+00:00 2022-09-10 15:29:39+00:00              8000               932.0
