AWS 开发工具包中"Array.h"文件中的问题

我使用vcpkg成功安装了AWS SDK,但在编译我的项目时,我遇到了以下语法错误:'error:'*'token'之前的预期主表达式和第58、86、105和138行的"error:"stdext"尚未声明"。如果这是一个简单的问题,我很抱歉,因为我是C语言和AWS SDK的新手。

* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
#pragma once
#include <aws/core/Core_EXPORTS.h>
#include <aws/core/utils/memory/AWSMemory.h>
#include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSVector.h>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <iterator>
#endif // _WIN32
namespace Aws
namespace Utils
static const char* ARRAY_ALLOCATION_TAG = "Aws::Array";
* Safe array class with move and copy semantics.
template<typename T>
class Array
* Create new empty array of size arraySize. Default argument is 0. If it is empty then no allocation happens.
Array(size_t arraySize = 0) :
m_data(arraySize > 0 ? Aws::MakeUniqueArray<T>(arraySize, ARRAY_ALLOCATION_TAG) : nullptr)
* Create new array and initialize it to a raw array
Array(const T* arrayToCopy, size_t arraySize) :
if (arrayToCopy != nullptr && m_size > 0)
m_data.reset(Aws::NewArray<T>(m_size, ARRAY_ALLOCATION_TAG));
#ifdef _WIN32
std::copy(arrayToCopy, arrayToCopy + arraySize, stdext::checked_array_iterator< T * >(m_data.get(), m_size));
std::copy(arrayToCopy, arrayToCopy + arraySize, m_data.get());
#endif // MSVC
* Merge multiple arrays into one
Array(Aws::Vector<Array*>&& toMerge)
size_t totalSize = 0;
for(auto& array : toMerge)
totalSize += array->m_size;
m_size = totalSize;
m_data.reset(Aws::NewArray<T>(m_size, ARRAY_ALLOCATION_TAG));
size_t location = 0;
for(auto& arr : toMerge)
if(arr->m_size > 0 && arr->m_data)
size_t arraySize = arr->m_size;
#ifdef _WIN32
std::copy(arr->m_data.get(), arr->m_data.get() + arraySize, stdext::checked_array_iterator< T * >(m_data.get() + location, m_size));
std::copy(arr->m_data.get(), arr->m_data.get() + arraySize, m_data.get() + location);
#endif // MSVC
location += arraySize;
Array(const Array& other)
m_size = other.m_size;
m_data = nullptr;
if (m_size > 0)
m_data.reset(Aws::NewArray<T>(m_size, ARRAY_ALLOCATION_TAG));
#ifdef _WIN32
std::copy(other.m_data.get(), other.m_data.get() + other.m_size, stdext::checked_array_iterator< T * >(m_data.get(), m_size));
std::copy(other.m_data.get(), other.m_data.get() + other.m_size, m_data.get());
#endif // MSVC
//move c_tor
Array(Array&& other) :
other.m_size = 0;
other.m_data = nullptr;
virtual ~Array() = default;
Array& operator=(const Array& other)
if (this == &other)
return *this;
m_size = other.m_size;
m_data = nullptr;
if (m_size > 0)
m_data.reset(Aws::NewArray<T>(m_size, ARRAY_ALLOCATION_TAG));
#ifdef _WIN32
std::copy(other.m_data.get(), other.m_data.get() + other.m_size, stdext::checked_array_iterator< T * >(m_data.get(), m_size));
std::copy(other.m_data.get(), other.m_data.get() + other.m_size, m_data.get());
#endif // MSVC
return *this;
Array& operator=(Array&& other)
m_size = other.m_size;
m_data = std::move(other.m_data);
return *this;
bool operator==(const Array& other) const
if (this == &other)
return true;
if (m_size == 0 && other.m_size == 0)
return true;
if (m_size == other.m_size && m_data && other.m_data)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; ++i)
if (m_data.get()[i] != other.m_data.get()[i])
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool operator!=(const Array& other) const
return !(*this == other);
T const& GetItem(size_t index) const
assert(index < m_size);
return m_data.get()[index];
T& GetItem(size_t index)
assert(index < m_size);
return m_data.get()[index];
T& operator[](size_t index)
return GetItem(index);
T const& operator[](size_t index) const
return GetItem(index);
inline size_t GetLength() const
return m_size;
inline T* GetUnderlyingData() const
return m_data.get();
size_t m_size;
Aws::UniqueArrayPtr<T> m_data;
typedef Array<unsigned char> ByteBuffer;
* Buffer for cryptographic operations. It zeroes itself back out upon deletion. Everything else is identical
* to byte buffer.
class AWS_CORE_API CryptoBuffer : public ByteBuffer
CryptoBuffer(size_t arraySize = 0) : ByteBuffer(arraySize) {}
CryptoBuffer(const unsigned char* arrayToCopy, size_t arraySize) : ByteBuffer(arrayToCopy, arraySize) {}
CryptoBuffer(Aws::Vector<ByteBuffer*>&& toMerge) : ByteBuffer(std::move(toMerge)) {}
CryptoBuffer(const ByteBuffer& other) : ByteBuffer(other) {}
CryptoBuffer(const CryptoBuffer& other) : ByteBuffer(other) {}
CryptoBuffer(CryptoBuffer&& other) : ByteBuffer(std::move(other)) {}
CryptoBuffer& operator=(const CryptoBuffer&) = default;
CryptoBuffer& operator=(CryptoBuffer&& other) { ByteBuffer::operator=(std::move(other)); return *this; }
bool operator==(const CryptoBuffer& other) const { return ByteBuffer::operator==(other); }
bool operator!=(const CryptoBuffer& other) const { return ByteBuffer::operator!=(other); }
~CryptoBuffer() { Zero(); }
Array<CryptoBuffer> Slice(size_t sizeOfSlice) const;
CryptoBuffer& operator^(const CryptoBuffer& operand);
void Zero();
} // namespace Utils
} // namespace Aws



