需要将 JavaScript 值转换为 HTML 格式的建议,以便我可以显示正确答案的成绩屏幕而不是'document.write'


function check() {
let c=0
const q1=document.quiz.question1.value
const q2=document.quiz.question2.value
const q3=document.quiz.question3.value
const q4=document.quiz.question4.value
const q5=document.quiz.question5.value
if(q1==='1') {
if(q2==='1') {
if(q3==='1') {
if(q4==='1') {
if(q5==='1') {
document.write('<h1>You scored ' + c + ' 
and your average was ' + c/10*100 + '%</h1>')


<h2> Welcome
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('You scored ' + c + 
'and your average was ' + c/10*100 + '%' ")



<main class='questionsContainer'>
<form name='quiz' id='quiz'>
<!-- first set -->
<section id='questions6' style="min-height: 190px">
<!-- first choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option1" name="question1" value="0">Emacs</h3>
<!-- second choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option2" name="question1" value="0">Notepad++</h3>
<!-- third choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option3" name="question1" value="1">Vim</h3>
<!-- fourth choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option4" name="question1" value="0">Bash</h3><br>
<button style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px;" type='button' onclick="nextQuestion(6, 7)">next</button>
<!-- second set -->
<section id='questions7' style="min-height: 190px">
<!-- first choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option1" name="question2" value="1">Nothing</h3>
<!-- second choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option2" name="question2" value="0">
Java Development Kit 1.8 or newer</h3>
<!-- third choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option3" name="question2" value="0">Apache Maven</h3>
<!-- fourth choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option4" name="question2" value="0">
Jakarta Enterprise Edition web profile compliant server</h3><br>
<button style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px; left: 35%;" type='button' onclick="previousQuestion(7, 6)">previous</button>
<button style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px;" type='button' onclick="nextQuestion(7, 8)">next</button>

<!-- Third set -->
<section id='questions8' style="min-height: 190px">
<!-- first choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option1" name="question3" value="0">username and IP address</h3>
<!-- second choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option2" name="question3" value="0">username and password</h3>
<!-- third choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option3" name="question3" value="0">email address and password</h3>
<!-- fourth choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option4" name="question3" value="1">username and email address</h3><br>
<button style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px; left: 35%;" type='button' onclick="previousQuestion(8, 7)">previous</button>
<button style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px;" type='button' onclick="nextQuestion(8, 9)">next</button>
<!-- fourth set -->
<section id='questions9' style="min-height: 190px"style="min-height: 190px">
<!-- first choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option1" name="question4" value="0">System</h3>
<!-- second choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option2" name="question4" value="0">Local</h3>
<!-- third choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option3" name="question4" value="1">User</h3>
<!-- fourth choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option4" name="question4" value="0">Global</h3><br>
<button style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px; left: 35%;" type='button' onclick="previousQuestion(9, 8)">previous</button>
<button style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px;" type='button' onclick="nextQuestion(9, 10)">next</button>
<!-- fifth set -->
<section id='questions10' style="min-height: 190px">
<!-- first choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option1" name="question5" value="0">Junio C. Hamano</h3>
<!-- second choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option2" name="question5" value="0">James Gosling</h3>
<!-- third choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option3" name="question5" value="1">Linus Torvalds</h3>
<!-- fourth choice -->
<h3><input type="radio" id="option4" name="question5" value="0">Kohsuke Kawaguchi</h3> <br>

<button style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px; left: 25%;"
type='button' onclick="previousQuestion(10, 9)">previous</button>

<button style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px; left: 35%;" type='button' 
onclick="nextQuestion(10, 6)">Back to Question 1</button>
<input style="position: absolute; bottom: 15px; right:20%;" type="button" 
value="Check Your Grade!" onclick="check3(check1, check2)">


function myFunction() {
//Create the HTML ELEMENT 
const msgDiv = document.createElement('h1');
// create the message you want to display
msgDiv.innerHTML = `<span>$ You scored {c} and you average was {c/10*100}%</span>$`;
// Display that message by appending it to an HTML element


//call the function 
//add an eventlistener on function
button.addEventListener('click', myFunction)

You have your quiz wrapped in a form, so you can just add an add event listener on that element. That way when the quiz is at the end and when someone hits submit the other function to display the results can run. Also you want to have the form submit so that they can either click or hit enter so submit. 

form.addEventListener('submit' (e) => {
// this stops the page from submitting and going to another page
// Add the code from up above. 
// You don't want your check function to be in this code because it will only run when the form is submitted and you don't want that.
