
在我的域包中,我没有得到Book_.java,Client_.java,Author_.java,BorrowedBok_.java和Publisher_ .java类在尝试在我的jhipster应用程序中生成过滤实体后。像BookQueryService.java、AuthorQueryService.java、ClientQueryService.java这样的类正在生成,标准包也正在生成,但是像Book_.java、Author_.java这样的类没有生成。我使用了下面给出的jdl文件。

application {
config {
baseName library,
applicationType microservice,
authenticationType jwt
packageName co.seedwill.app,
prodDatabaseType mysql,
cacheProvider no,
buildTool maven,
clientFramework no,
testFrameworks [],
nativeLanguage en,
languages [en, fr]
entities *

entity Publisher {
name String required unique maxlength(100)
entity Author {
firstName String required maxlength(DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH)
lastName String required maxlength(DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH)
entity Client {
firstName String required maxlength(DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH)
lastName String  required maxlength(DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH)
email String unique maxlength(DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH)
address String maxlength(DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH)
phone String maxlength(20)
entity Book{
isbn String required unique minlength(5) maxlength(13)
name String required maxlength(100)
publishYear String required minlength(DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH) maxlength(DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH)
copies Integer required
cover ImageBlob
entity BorrowedBook{
borrowDate LocalDate
relationship OneToOne {
Book{publisher(name)} to Publisher
BorrowedBook{book(name)} to Book
BorrowedBook{Client(email)} to Client
relationship ManyToMany {
Book{author(firstName)} to Author{book}
filter Book, Client, Author, BorrowedBook, Publisher
paginate Book, Client, Author, BorrowedBook, Publisher with pagination
service all with serviceImpl

I tried using the above jdl file and imported it to generate the application.
I was expecting the classes in domain like Book_,Client_ but did not get them . In the image below I have shown the classes which my friend is getting when he is generating application for filtered entities. He is getting classes like Amenities_.java , Authorities_.java. Can anyone help me why I am not getting such result.
image showing filtered entities, Please open this link =>(https://i.stack.imgur.com/DBpIb.png)

