








从检查dirent.h标头来看,dirent struct中似乎没有任何内容可以在读取后简单地遍历目录中的记录,而不必重复路径。




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main ( void )
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *ep;
struct stat info;
int rc, q, l, i = 0, v = 0;
const char *path = NULL;
char *fl_name,
*p = NULL;
const char *sec_path = "../../databases/";
unsigned int len_sec_path = strlen( sec_path );
fl_name = malloc( len_sec_path + 261 );
// Want p to be at the point in fl_name to write the actual file and directory names in order to get the stats.
// memcpy returns the pointer to the destination; so, just add the length of path to that to get to the end.
p = memcpy( fl_name, sec_path, len_sec_path + 1 ) + len_sec_path;
if ( ( dp = opendir( fl_name ) ) == NULL )
printf( "Failed to open the directory of: %s", fl_name );
return 1;

while ( ep = readdir( dp ) )
memcpy( p, ep->d_name, ( l = strlen( ep->d_name ) ) > 259 ? 260 : l + 1 );
printf( "%d, %sn", strlen( fl_name ), fl_name );
if ( ( rc = stat( fl_name, &info ) ) != 0 )
printf( "%sn", fl_name ); 
printf( "rc = %d, errno : %d, strerror : %sn", rc, errno, strerror( errno ) ); 
return 0;


int main ( void )
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *ep;
struct stat info;
int rc, q, l, i = 0, v = 0;
const char *path = NULL;
char *fl_name,
*p = NULL,
const char *sec_path = "../../databases/";
unsigned int len_sec_path = strlen( sec_path );
fl_name = malloc( len_sec_path + 261 );
// Want p to be at the point in fl_name to write the actual file and directory names in order to get the stats.
// memcpy returns the pointer to the destination; so, just add the length of path to that to get to the end.
p = memcpy( fl_name, sec_path, len_sec_path + 1 ) + len_sec_path;

char *buffer;
if ( (buffer = _getcwd( NULL, 0 )) == NULL )
printf( "Failed to get current working directory." );
return 1;
printf( "buffer is %sn", buffer );
if ( ( dp = opendir( fl_name ) ) == NULL )
printf( "Failed to open the directory of: %s", fl_name );
return 1;

if ( _chdir( sec_path ) ) 
printf( "Couldn't change directory." );
return 1;
while ( ep = readdir( dp ) )
memcpy( p, ep->d_name, ( l = strlen( ep->d_name ) ) > 259 ? 260 : l + 1 );
printf( "%d, %sn", strlen( fl_name ), fl_name );
if ( ( rc = stat( p, &info ) ) != 0 )
printf( "%sn", fl_name ); 
printf( "rc = %d, errno : %d, strerror : %sn", rc, errno, strerror( errno ) ); 
if ( _chdir( buffer ) ) 
printf( "Couldn't change directory." );
return 1;
printf( "buffer is %sn", buffer );
free( buffer );
return 0;


int get_dir_2( void )    
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *ep;
struct _stat info;
int rc, q, i = 0, v = 0;
char *fl_name,
*p = NULL,
*path = NULL;
const char *sec_path = "../../databases/",
*prefix = "\\?\"; 
unsigned int l, len_sec_path = strlen( sec_path );
if ( _chdir( sec_path ) ) 
printf( "Couldn't change directory." );
return 1;
char *dirCWD;
if ( (dirCWD = _getcwd( NULL, 0 )) == NULL )
printf( "Failed to get current working directory." );
return 1;
path = "";
l = strlen( prefix ) + strlen( dirCWD ) + strlen( path );
fl_name = malloc( l + 301 );
p = ( fl_name + l );
sprintf( fl_name, "%s%s%s", prefix, dirCWD, path );
printf( "fl_name is %sn", fl_name );
if ( _chdir( fl_name ) ) 
printf( "Couldn't change directory." );
return 1;
if ( ( dp = opendir( fl_name ) ) == NULL )
printf( "Failed to open the directory of: %s", fl_name );
return 1;

while ( ep = readdir( dp ) )
memcpy( p, ep->d_name, ( l = strlen( ep->d_name ) ) > 259 ? 261 : l + 1 );
//printf( "%d, %sn", strcmp( ep->d_name, p ), p );
printf( "%d, %sn", strlen( fl_name ), fl_name );
if ( ( rc = _stat( p, &info ) ) != 0 )
printf( "%sn", fl_name ); 
printf( "rc = %d, errno : %d, strerror : %sn", rc, errno, strerror( errno ) ); 
printf( "ctime : %d, mtime : %d, atime : %dn", info.st_ctime, info.st_mtime, info.st_atime ); 
free( fl_name );
return 0;


p = memcpy( fl_name, sec_path, len_sec_path + 1 ) + len_sec_path;




#define FN_BUF_LEN 260      /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
const char *sec_path = "../../cb/";

size_t len_sec_path = strlen (sec_path);
if (!(fl_name = malloc (len_sec_path + FN_BUF_LEN + 1))) {  /* validate malloc */
perror ("malloc-fl_name");


/* Want p to be at the point in fl_name to write the actual file and 
* directory names in order to get the stats. memcpy returns the pointer to the
* destination; so, just add the length of path to that to get to the end.
p = memcpy (fl_name, sec_path, len_sec_path + FN_BUF_LEN + 1);
p += len_sec_path;      /* memcpy() is type void*, cannot use with arithmetic */


if (chdir (sec_path) == -1) {                   /* _chdir() is not std C */
perror ("chdir()");                         /* validate result */
return 1;

if (chdir (buffer)) {
perror ("chdir()");
return 1;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define FN_BUF_LEN 260      /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
int main (void) {

DIR *dp;
struct dirent *ep;
struct stat info;

char *fl_name,
*p = NULL, 
*buffer = NULL;

// const char *sec_path = "../../databases/";
const char *sec_path = "../../cb/";

size_t len_sec_path = strlen (sec_path);
if (!(fl_name = malloc (len_sec_path + FN_BUF_LEN + 1))) {  /* validate malloc */
perror ("malloc-fl_name");

/* Want p to be at the point in fl_name to write the actual file and 
* directory names in order to get the stats. memcpy returns the pointer to the
* destination; so, just add the length of path to that to get to the end.
p = memcpy (fl_name, sec_path, len_sec_path + FN_BUF_LEN + 1);
p += len_sec_path;      /* memcpy() is type void*, cannot use with arithmetic */

if ((buffer = getcwd (NULL, 0)) == NULL) {      /* _getcwd() is not std C */
perror ("getcwd()");                        /* validate result */
return 1;
printf ("buffer is %sn", buffer);
if ((dp = opendir (fl_name)) == NULL) {
printf ("Failed to open the directory of: %s", fl_name);
return 1;
if (chdir (sec_path) == -1) {                   /* _chdir() is not std C */
perror ("chdir()");                         /* validate result */
return 1;
while ((ep = readdir (dp))) {
size_t l = strlen (ep->d_name);             /* declare vars in scope needed */
if (l > 259) {                              /* validate length before memcpy */
fprintf (stderr, "error: %s length %u exceeds allowable.n", ep->d_name, l);
/* filter the "." and ".." directories out */
if (strcmp (ep->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp (ep->d_name, "..") == 0)

memcpy (p, ep->d_name, l + 1);
printf ("%u, %sn", strlen (fl_name), fl_name);

int rc = stat (p, &info);
if (rc == -1) {
printf ("%sn", fl_name);
printf ("rc = %d, errno : %d, strerror : %sn", rc, errno, strerror (errno));
if (chdir (buffer)) {
perror ("chdir()");
return 1;
printf ("buffer is %sn", buffer);
free (buffer);      /* free all memory you have allocated */
free (fl_name);

return 0;


使用MinGW 5.1(旧的TDM-MinGW)在Win7上进行测试,并将sec_path更改为"../../cb/",以便在Win7来宾上存在文件和目录,您将拥有:

buffer is C:UsersdavidDocumentsdevsrc-ctmp
18, ../../cb/debugtest
21, ../../cb/default.conf
19, ../../cb/farmtotals
22, ../../cb/farmtotalsfmt
14, ../../cb/first
15, ../../cb/helopp
19, ../../cb/matrixsolv
16, ../../cb/toupper
18, ../../cb/windialog
17, ../../cb/winframe
buffer is C:UsersdavidDocumentsdevsrc-ctmp



-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wshadow

