Error: Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system
Expected directory: node-v83-linux-x64-glibc
Found: [node-v64-linux-x64-glibc]
This problem can often be fixed by running "npm rebuild" on the current system
我尝试了推荐的命令npm rebuild
which npm
which node
npm version: 6.14.10
更新/更多信息:我使用的是超级账本fabric vers 2和fabric sdk节点。这是我正在研究的回购
模块版本83对应于节点14,而不是节点13。不幸的是,它还没有为Node 14发布二进制文件,所以它将是很难让它工作
否则可以使用Node 12
完整答案- https://github.com/grpc/grpc-node/issues/1460#issuecomment-638965479