如何转换SQL Server合并与删除和插入输出

我正在做一个SQL Server到PostgreSQL的迁移,有很多像下面这样的过程,我们需要访问插入/更新和删除的数据:

@AccID int
, @Input tvpCGTACCUMULATED_INSUPD readonly
merge CGTAccumulated t
using (
select  @AccID [AccID]
, F_YEAR [FinancialYear]
, F_ACCUMCOST [CarryForwardLoss]
, F_B1 [OffBook]
, F_E1 [ExternalISAContribution]
from    @Input
) s
on t.AccID = @AccID and t.FinancialYear = s.FinancialYear
when matched and isnull(s.CarryForwardLoss, t.CarryForwardLoss) = 0 and isnull(s.OffBook, t.OffBook) = 0
and isnull(s.ExternalISAContribution, t.ExternalISAContribution) = 0 then
when matched and (t.CarryForwardLoss <> isnull(s.CarryForwardLoss, t.CarryForwardLoss)
or t.OffBook <> isnull(s.OffBook, t.OffBook)
or t.ExternalISAContribution <> isnull(s.ExternalISAContribution, t.ExternalISAContribution)) then
set     CarryForwardLoss = isnull(s.CarryForwardLoss, t.CarryForwardLoss)
, OffBook = isnull(s.OffBook, t.OffBook)
, ExternalISAContribution = isnull(s.ExternalISAContribution, t.ExternalISAContribution)
when not matched and (s.CarryForwardLoss <> 0 or s.OffBook <> 0 or s.ExternalISAContribution <> 0) then
insert  (AccID, FinancialYear, CarryForwardLoss, OffBook, ExternalISAContribution)
values  (@AccID, s.FinancialYear, isnull(s.CarryForwardLoss, 0), isnull(s.OffBook, 0), isnull(s.ExternalISAContribution, 0))
isnull(deleted.FinancialYear, inserted.FinancialYear) [FinancialYear]
, deleted.CarryForwardLoss [OldCarryForwardLoss]
, deleted.OffBook [OldOffBook]
, deleted.ExternalISAContribution [OldExternalISAContribution]
, inserted.CarryForwardLoss [NewCarryForwardLoss]
, inserted.OffBook [NewOffBook]
, inserted.ExternalISAContribution [NewExternalISAContribution];


CREATE PROCEDURE cgtaccumulated_insupd(IN par_accid INTEGER, IN par_input tvpcgtaccumulated_insupd, INOUT p_refcur refcursor)
l_old_CarryForwardLoss        double precision;
l_old_OffBook                 double precision;
l_old_ExternalISAContribution double precision;
l_old_FinancialYear           double precision;
l_new_CarryForwardLoss        double precision;
l_new_OffBook                 double precision;
l_new_ExternalISAContribution double precision;
l_new_FinancialYear           double precision;
-- This creates a temporary table to hold the composite type data
PERFORM tvpaccid$aws$f('par_input$aws$tmp');
INSERT INTO "par_input$aws$tmp"
FROM UNNEST(par_input);
with src as (
select par_accid    accid
,f_year       FinancialYear
,f_accumcost  CarryForwardLoss
,f_b1         OffBook
,f_e1         ExternalISAContribution
from "par_input$aws$tmp"
), deleted as (
delete from CGTAccumulated tgt
where tgt.accid in 
(select accid
from src
where tgt.FinancialYear = src.FinancialYear
and coalesce(src.CarryForwardLoss, tgt.CarryForwardLoss) = 0
and coalesce(src.OffBook, tgt.OffBook) = 0
and coalesce(src.ExternalISAContribution, tgt.ExternalISAContribution) = 0)
returning CarryForwardLoss, OffBook, ExternalISAContribution, FinancialYear
into l_old_CarryForwardLoss, l_old_OffBook, l_old_ExternalISAContribution, l_old_FinancialYear 
insert into CGTAccumulated (AccID, FinancialYear, CarryForwardLoss, OffBook, ExternalISAContribution)
select accid, FinancialYear, CarryForwardLoss, OffBook, ExternalISAContribution
from src
on conflict(accid) do update set
CarryForwardLoss        = coalesce(src.CarryForwardLoss, CarryForwardLoss)
,OffBook                 = coalesce(src.OffBook, OffBook)
,ExternalISAContribution = coalesce(src.ExternalISAContribution, ExternalISAContribution)
returning CarryForwardLoss, OffBook, ExternalISAContribution, FinancialYear
into l_new_CarryForwardLoss, l_new_OffBook, l_new_ExternalISAContribution, l_new_FinancialYear;
open p_refcur for
select coalesce(l_old_FinancialYear, l_new_FinancialYear) FinancialYear
,l_old_CarryForwardLoss                             OldCarryForwardLoss
,l_old_OffBook                                      OldOffBook
,l_old_ExternalISAContribution                      OldExternalISAContribution
,l_new_CarryForwardLoss                             NewCarryForwardLoss
,l_new_OffBook                                      NewOffBook
,l_new_ExternalISAContribution                      NewExternalISAContribution;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;


下面是一个例子。我使用了一个简化的表格结构。在postgresql 13上测试

create table test (
id int primary key
,name varchar(100)
,amount int    
-- initial data   
with src as (
select * 
from (values 
(1, 'a', 100) 
,(2, 'b', 200)
,(3, 'c', 300)
,(4, 'd', 400)
) as t(id, name, amount)
insert into test
select *
from src
-- simulate merge and return deleted and inserted  
with src as (
select * 
from (values 
(1, 'a', 101) 
,(4, 'd', 0)
) as t(id, name, amount)
,deleted as (
from test 
where id in (select id from src where amount = 0)
returning * 
,inserted as (
insert into test
select *
from src 
where src.amount != 0  
on conflict(id) do update set 
amount = excluded.amount
returning *
select 'deleted' rec_type, d.* from deleted d
union all
select 'inserted / updated', i.* from inserted i

