Prisma Client通过Schema查询连接表中是否存在值


const data = await prisma.casino_p_casinos.findMany({
where: { 
approved: 1, 
rogue: 0,
bonuses: {
nodeposit: { gt : 0 },
select: {
id: true,
clean_name: true,
casino: true,
button: true,
bonuses: {
where: {
nodeposit: { gt: 0 },
take: 14,




const data = await prisma.casino_p_casinos.findMany({
where: { 
approved: 1, 
rogue: 0,
bonuses: {
nodeposit: { gt : 0 },
select: {
id: true,
clean_name: true,
casino: true,
button: true,
bonuses: true,
take: 14,



model casino_p_casinos {
id            Int                             @id @default(autoincrement())
casino        String?
type          String?
url           String?
bonuses       casino_p_bonus[]
model casino_p_bonus {
id               Int              @id @default(autoincrement())
parent           Int
game             String?
freespins        Int?
freeplay         String?
nodeposit        Int?
deposit          Int?

casino_p_casinos casino_p_casinos @relation(fields: [parent], references: [id])


const data = await prisma.casino_p_casinos.findMany({
where: {
approved: 1,
rogue: 0,
bonuses: {
// 'some' can be replaced by 'every' or 'none' here
some: {
nodeposit: { gt: 0 }
select: {
id: true,
clean_name: true,
casino: true,
button: true,
bonuses: true
take: 14



const data = await prisma.casino_p_casinos.findMany({
where: {
approved: 1,
rogue: 0,
bonuses: {
// 'some' can be replaced by 'every' or 'none' here
some: {
nodeposit: { gt: 0 }
select: {
id: true,
clean_name: true,
casino: true,
button: true,
bonuses: {
where: {
nodeposit: { gt: 0 }
take: 14