

const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
const characterImage = document.getElementById('character')
const level = 1
canvas.width = document.body.scrollWidth
canvas.height = document.body.scrollHeight
let time; // Current time
let prevTime = Date.now(); // Store previous time
let isGrounded; // Check if player is on the ground
class Main {
constructor(x, y, w, h) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.lives = 3;
this.speedX = 0;
this.speedY = 0;
this.gravity = .01;
// this.gravitySpeed = 0;
this.jumpSpeed = -1.5; // How fast to jump upwards
this.dx = 0;
this.dy = 0;
this.centerX = canvas.width / 2;
this.centerY = canvas.height / 2;
draw() {
if (this.x <= -0) {
this.x = -0
if (this.x >= canvas.width - 50) {
this.x = canvas.width - 50
const player = {
image: characterImage,
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
w: 50,
h: 50
const obstacle1 = {
x: this.centerX,
y: canvas.height - 100,
w: 50,
h: 50
const lava = {
const ground = {
x: 0,
y: canvas.height - 50,
w: canvas.width,
h: 50
//collision detection

if (player.x < obstacle1.x + obstacle1.w &&
player.x + obstacle1.w > obstacle1.x &&
player.y < obstacle1.y + obstacle1.h &&
player.y + player.h > obstacle1.y) {

ctx.fillStyle = '#9b7653'
ctx.fillRect(ground.x, ground.y, ground.w, ground.h)
ctx.drawImage(player.image, player.x, player.y, player.w, player.h);
ctx.fillStyle = '#df4759'
ctx.fillRect(obstacle1.x, obstacle1.y, obstacle1.w, obstacle1.h);
newPos() {
this.gravitySpeed += this.gravity;
this.x += this.speedX;
update() {

// Calculate how much time has passed since last update
time = Date.now();
const deltaTime = time - prevTime;
// Update y-position based speed in y-direction
// If we jump this.speed will be set to this.jumpSpeed
this.y += this.speedY * deltaTime;
// Gravity should always affect the player!
// The ground check will make sure we don't fall through the floor
this.y += this.gravity * deltaTime;
// Make sure to reduce our player's speed in y by gravity!
this.speedY += this.gravity * deltaTime;
// Only allow the player to jump if he is on the ground
if (controller1.up && isGrounded) {
// Set the player y-speed to jump speed
this.speedY = this.jumpSpeed;
if (controller1.right) {
this.dx += 0.7
if (controller1.left) {
this.dx -= 0.7
this.x += this.dx;
// this.y += this.dy;
this.dx *= 0.9;
this.dy *= 0.9;
// Ground check
if (this.y >= canvas.height - 100) {
this.y = canvas.height - 100;
isGrounded = true;
} else {
isGrounded = false;

// Store the current time to use for calculation in next update
prevTime = Date.now();
class Controller {
constructor() {
this.up = false;
this.right = false;
this.down = false;
this.left = false;
let keyEvent = (e) => {
if (e.code == "KeyW" || e.code == "ArrowUp" || e.code == "Space") {
this.up = e.type == 'keydown'
if (e.code == "KeyD" || e.code == "ArrowRight") {
this.right = e.type == 'keydown'
if (e.code == "KeyA" || e.code == "ArrowLeft") {
this.left = e.type == 'keydown'
addEventListener('keydown', keyEvent);
addEventListener('keyup', keyEvent);
addEventListener('mousemove', keyEvent)
let main1 = new Main(50, canvas.height - 150, 50, 50)
let controller1 = new Controller();
function animate() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function updatePos() {
setInterval(updatePos, 10)
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<img src="http://placekitten.com/50/50" id="character" style="display: none">


if (player.x < obstacle1.x + obstacle1.w &&
player.x + obstacle1.w > obstacle1.x &&
player.y < obstacle1.y + obstacle1.h &&
player.y + player.h > obstacle1.y) {
this.dx = this.speedY = 0;



this.isColliding =
player.x < obstacle1.x + obstacle1.w &&
player.x + obstacle1.w > obstacle1.x &&
player.y < obstacle1.y + obstacle1.h &&
player.y + player.h > obstacle1.y;
if (this.isColliding) {
this.dx = this.speedY = 0;






const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const characterImage = document.getElementById("character");
const level = 1;
canvas.width = document.body.scrollWidth;
canvas.height = 400//document.body.scrollHeight
let time; // Current time
let prevTime = Date.now(); // Store previous time
let player, obstacle1, obstacle2, ground;
class Main {
constructor(x, y, w, h) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.lives = 3;
this.speedX = 0;
this.speedY = 0;
this.gravity = 0.01;
this.jumping = false;
//this.gravitySpeed = 0;
this.jumpSpeed = -1.5; // How fast to jump upwards
this.dx = 0;
this.dy = 0;
this.centerX = canvas.width / 2;
this.centerY = canvas.height / 2;
draw() {
if (this.x <= -0) {
this.x = -0;
if (this.x >= canvas.width - 50) {
this.x = canvas.width - 50;
player = {
image: characterImage,
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
w: 50,
h: 50
obstacle1 = {
x: this.centerX,
y: canvas.height - 100,
w: 50,
h: 50
obstacle2 = {
x: this.centerX + 50,
y: canvas.height - 100,
w: 50,
h: 50
const lava = {};
ground = {
x: 0,
y: canvas.height - 50,
w: canvas.width,
h: 50
ctx.fillStyle = "#9b7653";
ctx.fillRect(ground.x, ground.y, ground.w, ground.h);
ctx.fillStyle = "pink";
ctx.fillRect(player.x, player.y, player.w, player.h);
ctx.fillStyle = "#df4759";
ctx.fillRect(obstacle1.x, obstacle1.y, obstacle1.w, obstacle1.h);
ctx.fillStyle = "#df4759";
ctx.fillRect(obstacle2.x, obstacle2.y, obstacle2.w, obstacle2.h);
newPos() {
this.gravitySpeed += this.gravity;
this.x += this.speedX;
update() {
// Calculate how much time has passed since last update
time = Date.now();
const deltaTime = time - prevTime;
if (controller1.up && !this.jumping) {
// Set the player y-speed to jump speed
this.speedY = this.jumpSpeed;
this.jumping = true; //prevents jumping while already in air
if (controller1.right) {
this.dx += 0.7;
if (controller1.left) {
this.dx -= 0.7;

this.y += this.speedY * deltaTime;
this.y += this.gravity * deltaTime;
this.speedY += this.gravity * deltaTime;
this.x += this.dx;
// this.y += this.dy;
this.dx *= 0.9;
this.dy *= 0.9;
// Store the current time to use for calculation in next update
prevTime = Date.now();
class Controller {
constructor() {
this.up = false;
this.right = false;
this.down = false;
this.left = false;
let keyEvent = (e) => {
if (e.code == "KeyW" || e.code == "ArrowUp" || e.code == "Space") {
this.up = e.type == "keydown";
if (e.code == "KeyD" || e.code == "ArrowRight") {
this.right = e.type == "keydown";
if (e.code == "KeyA" || e.code == "ArrowLeft") {
this.left = e.type == "keydown";
addEventListener("keydown", keyEvent);
addEventListener("keyup", keyEvent);
addEventListener("mousemove", keyEvent);
function collision(player, obj) {
if (
player.x + player.w < obj.x ||
player.x > obj.x + obj.w ||
player.y + player.h < obj.y ||
player.y > obj.y + obj.h
) {
this.narrowPhase(player, obj);
function narrowPhase(player, obj) {
let playerTop_ObjBottom = Math.abs(player.y - (obj.y + obj.h));
let playerRight_ObjLeft = Math.abs(player.x + player.w - obj.x);
let playerLeft_ObjRight = Math.abs(player.x - (obj.x + obj.w));
let playerBottom_ObjTop = Math.abs(player.y + player.h - obj.y);
if (
player.y <= obj.y + obj.h &&
player.y + player.h > obj.y + obj.h &&
playerTop_ObjBottom < playerRight_ObjLeft &&
playerTop_ObjBottom < playerLeft_ObjRight
) {
main1.y = obj.y + obj.h;
main1.speedY = 0;
if (
player.y + player.h >= obj.y &&
player.y < obj.y &&
playerBottom_ObjTop < playerRight_ObjLeft &&
playerBottom_ObjTop < playerLeft_ObjRight
) {
main1.y = obj.y - player.h - 0.05;
main1.speedY = 0;
main1.jumping = false;
if (
player.x + player.w >= obj.x &&
player.x < obj.x &&
playerRight_ObjLeft < playerTop_ObjBottom &&
playerRight_ObjLeft < playerBottom_ObjTop
) {
main1.x = obj.x - obj.w - 0.05;
main1.dx = 0;
if (
player.x <= obj.x + obj.w &&
player.x + player.w > obj.x + obj.w &&
playerLeft_ObjRight < playerTop_ObjBottom &&
playerLeft_ObjRight < playerBottom_ObjTop
) {
main1.x = obj.x + obj.w + 0.05;
main1.dx = 0;
let main1 = new Main(50, canvas.height - 250, 50, 50);
let controller1 = new Controller();
function animate() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
collision(player, obstacle2);
collision(player, obstacle1);
collision(player, ground);
function updatePos() {
setInterval(updatePos, 10);
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

我将提供第二个例子,在这个例子中,我已经从主类中删除了对象,并使每个对象都成为自己的对象。我还删除了dxdy,因为我认为它们存在混淆,并将它们与speedXspeedY混合。另一方面,在你的newPos()函数中,你有this.x += this.speedX;,但在更新函数中也有,所以实际上你正在加倍。我不这么认为;这就是你想要的。


const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const characterImage = document.getElementById("character");
const level = 1;
canvas.width = document.body.scrollWidth;
canvas.height = 400//document.body.scrollHeight
let time; // Current time
let prevTime = Date.now(); // Store previous time
class Entity {
constructor(x, y, w, h) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.lives = 3;
this.speedX = 0;
this.speedY = 0;
this.gravity = 0.01;
this.jump = false;
this.jumpSpeed = -1.5; // How fast to jump upwards
this.centerX = canvas.width / 2;
this.centerY = canvas.height / 2;
draw() {
ctx.fillStyle = "pink";
ctx.fillRect(player.x, player.y, player.w, player.h);
newPos() {
this.gravitySpeed += this.gravity;
//this.x += this.speedX;
collision() {
if (this.x <= -0) {
this.x = -0;
if (this.x >= canvas.width - 50) {
this.x = canvas.width - 50;
update() {
// Calculate how much time has passed since last update
time = Date.now();
const deltaTime = time - prevTime;
if (controller1.up && !this.jump) {
this.speedY = this.jumpSpeed;
this.jump = true;
if (controller1.right) {
this.speedX += 0.7;
if (controller1.left) {
this.speedX -= 0.7;

this.y += this.speedY * deltaTime;
this.y += this.gravity * deltaTime;
this.speedY += this.gravity * deltaTime;
this.x += this.speedX;
this.speedX *= 0.9;
this.speedY *= 0.9;
// Store the current time to use for calculation in next update
prevTime = Date.now();
class Obstacle {
constructor(x, y, w, h) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.color = '#df4759';
draw() {
ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
class Lava {
constructor(x, y, w, h) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.color = 'red';
draw() {
ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
class Ground {
constructor(x, y, w, h) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.color = '#8a6c4e';
draw() {
ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
class Controller {
constructor() {
this.up = false;
this.right = false;
this.down = false;
this.left = false;
let keyEvent = (e) => {
if (e.code == "KeyW" || e.code == "ArrowUp" || e.code == "Space") {
this.up = e.type == "keydown";
if (e.code == "KeyD" || e.code == "ArrowRight") {
this.right = e.type == "keydown";
if (e.code == "KeyA" || e.code == "ArrowLeft") {
this.left = e.type == "keydown";
addEventListener("keydown", keyEvent);
addEventListener("keyup", keyEvent);
addEventListener("mousemove", keyEvent);
function collision(player, obj) {
if (
player.x + player.w < obj.x ||
player.x > obj.x + obj.w ||
player.y + player.h < obj.y ||
player.y > obj.y + obj.h
) {
this.narrowPhase(player, obj);
function narrowPhase(player, obj) {
let playerTop_ObjBottom = Math.abs(player.y - (obj.y + obj.h));
let playerRight_ObjLeft = Math.abs(player.x + player.w - obj.x);
let playerLeft_ObjRight = Math.abs(player.x - (obj.x + obj.w));
let playerBottom_ObjTop = Math.abs(player.y + player.h - obj.y);
if (
player.y <= obj.y + obj.h &&
player.y + player.h > obj.y + obj.h &&
playerTop_ObjBottom < playerRight_ObjLeft &&
playerTop_ObjBottom < playerLeft_ObjRight
) {
player.y = obj.y + obj.h;
player.speedY = 0;
if (
player.y + player.h >= obj.y &&
player.y < obj.y &&
playerBottom_ObjTop < playerRight_ObjLeft &&
playerBottom_ObjTop < playerLeft_ObjRight
) {
player.y = obj.y - player.h;
// player.dy = 0;
player.speedY = 0;
player.jump = false;
if (
player.x + player.w >= obj.x &&
player.x < obj.x &&
playerRight_ObjLeft < playerTop_ObjBottom &&
playerRight_ObjLeft < playerBottom_ObjTop
) {
player.x = obj.x - obj.w;
player.speedX = 0;
if (
player.x <= obj.x + obj.w &&
player.x + player.w > obj.x + obj.w &&
playerLeft_ObjRight < playerTop_ObjBottom &&
playerLeft_ObjRight < playerBottom_ObjTop
) {
player.x = obj.x + obj.w;
player.speedX = 0;
let obstacle1 = new Obstacle(canvas.width/2, canvas.height - 100, 50, 50)
let obstacle2 = new Obstacle(canvas.width/2 + 50, canvas.height - 100, 50, 50)
let ground = new Ground(0, canvas.height - 50, canvas.width, 50)
let player = new Entity(50, canvas.height - 250, 50, 50);
let controller1 = new Controller();
function animate() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
collision(player, obstacle2);
collision(player, obstacle1);
collision(player, ground);
function updatePos() {
setInterval(updatePos, 10);
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
