


这只来自一个单元格:[{"target": "NAge", "segment": "21 and older"}, {"target": "MinAge", "segment": "21"}, {"target": "Retargeting", "segment": "people who may be similar to their customers"}, {"target": "Region", "segment": "the United States"}]

另一个:[{"target": "NAge", "segment": "18 and older"}, {"target": "Location Type", "segment": "HOME"}, {"target": "Interest", "segment": "Hispanic culture"}, {"target": "Interest", "segment": "Republican Party (United States)"}, {"target": "Location Granularity", "segment": "country"}, {"target": "Country", "segment": "the United States"}, {"target": "MinAge", "segment": 18}]



  • 列为dictslists
    • 可以使用pandas.explode()list中的每个dict移动到单独的列中
    • 通过使用pandas.json_normalize().join()dicts的列转换回df,将其转换为数据帧,其中键是列标题,值是观测值
  • 使用.drop()删除不需要的列
  • 如果该列包含字符串dict列表(例如"[{key: value}]"(,请参阅将Pandas列中的dictionary/list拆分为Separate Columns中的此解决方案,并使用:
    • df.col2 = df.col2.apply(literal_eval)from ast import literal_eval
import pandas as pd
# create sample dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['x', 'y'], 'col2': [[{"target": "NAge", "segment": "21 and older"}, {"target": "MinAge", "segment": "21"}, {"target": "Retargeting", "segment": "people who may be similar to their customers"}, {"target": "Region", "segment": "the United States"}], [{"target": "NAge", "segment": "18 and older"}, {"target": "Location Type", "segment": "HOME"}, {"target": "Interest", "segment": "Hispanic culture"}, {"target": "Interest", "segment": "Republican Party (United States)"}, {"target": "Location Granularity", "segment": "country"}, {"target": "Country", "segment": "the United States"}, {"target": "MinAge", "segment": 18}]]})
# display(df)
col1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 col2
0    x                                                                                                                                                   [{'target': 'NAge', 'segment': '21 and older'}, {'target': 'MinAge', 'segment': '21'}, {'target': 'Retargeting', 'segment': 'people who may be similar to their customers'}, {'target': 'Region', 'segment': 'the United States'}]
1    y  [{'target': 'NAge', 'segment': '18 and older'}, {'target': 'Location Type', 'segment': 'HOME'}, {'target': 'Interest', 'segment': 'Hispanic culture'}, {'target': 'Interest', 'segment': 'Republican Party (United States)'}, {'target': 'Location Granularity', 'segment': 'country'}, {'target': 'Country', 'segment': 'the United States'}, {'target': 'MinAge', 'segment': 18}]
# use explode to give each dict in a list a separate row
df = df.explode('col2', ignore_index=True)
# normalize the column of dicts, join back to the remaining dataframe columns, and drop the unneeded column
df = df.join(pd.json_normalize(df.col2)).drop(columns=['col2'])


col1                target                                       segment
0     x                  NAge                                  21 and older
1     x                MinAge                                            21
2     x           Retargeting  people who may be similar to their customers
3     x                Region                             the United States
4     y                  NAge                                  18 and older
5     y         Location Type                                          HOME
6     y              Interest                              Hispanic culture
7     y              Interest              Republican Party (United States)
8     y  Location Granularity                                       country
9     y               Country                             the United States
10    y                MinAge                                            18


  • 如果目标是为每个'target'和相关的'segment'获取count
counts = df.groupby(['target', 'segment']).count()


  • 此更新是为完整文件实现的
import pandas as pd
from ast import literal_eval
# load the file
df = pd.read_csv('en-US.csv')
# replace NaNs with '[]', otherwise literal_eval will error
df.targets = df.targets.fillna('[]')
# replace null with None, otherwise literal_eval will error
df.targets = df.targets.str.replace('null', 'None')
# convert the strings to lists of dicts
df.targets = df.targets.apply(literal_eval)
# use explode to give each dict in a list a separate row
df = df.explode('targets', ignore_index=True)
# fillna with {} is required for json_normalize
df.targets = df.targets.fillna({i: {} for i in df.index})
# normalize the column of dicts, join back to the remaining dataframe columns, and drop the unneeded column
normalized = pd.json_normalize(df.targets)
# get the counts
counts = normalized.groupby(['target', 'segment']).segment.count().reset_index(name='counts')
