
  • 本文关键字:选择 其他 SQL 一部分 sql
  • 更新时间 :
  • 英文 :


id 员工id 日期P
1 11111 1397/01/02 01:30
2 111111 1398/05/09 05:30
3 111111 1398/06/07 05:10
4 22222 1398/08/09
5 2222207:15
6 111111 11399/07/02 08:51
7 111111 11399/08/06 12:20
8 33333 1399/09/04 20:01
9 33333 1399/12/08 22:05
10 33333 1400/01
11 33333 1400/02/05 14:10
12 22222 1400/04/05 16:25

您应该构建一个group by


with tab1 as (
select 1 id, 1 user_id, '2021-11-01' dat from dual union all
select 2 id, 1 user_id, '2021-11-02' dat from dual union all
select 3 id, 1 user_id, '2021-11-03' dat from dual union all
select 4 id, 2 user_id, '2021-11-04' dat from dual union all
select 5 id, 2 user_id, '2021-11-05' dat from dual union all
select 6 id, 1 user_id, '2021-11-06' dat from dual union all
select 7 id, 1 user_id, '2021-11-07' dat from dual union all
select 8 id, 1 user_id, '2021-11-08' dat from dual union all
select 9 id, 3 user_id, '2021-11-09' dat from dual 
, tab2 as (
select t1.*,
case when lag(t1.user_id) over(order by t1.id) is null then 1
when lag(t1.user_id) over(order by t1.id) = t1.user_id then 0
else 1
end lg
from tab1 t1
, tab3 as (
select t1.*,
sum(t1.lg) over(order by t1.id) grp
from tab2 t1
select t1.user_id,
from tab3 t1
group by t1.user_id, t1.grp


CREATE TABLE #tempEmployee (
EmployeeID INT,
EmpDate DATE,
EmpTime TIME
INSERT INTO #tempEmployee VALUES (1, '11111', '2021-01-10', '12:30');
INSERT INTO #tempEmployee VALUES (1, '11111', '2021-12-10', '12:33');
INSERT INTO #tempEmployee VALUES (1, '11111', '2021-11-10', '12:30');
INSERT INTO #tempEmployee VALUES (2, '22222', '2021-01-11', '12:30');
INSERT INTO #tempEmployee VALUES (2, '22222', '2021-11-11', '12:30');
SELECT * FROM #tempEmployee;
WITH MaxDate AS (SELECT EmployeeID, MAX(EmpDate) AS MaxEmpDate FROM #tempEmployee GROUP BY EmployeeID),
MinDate AS (SELECT EmployeeID, MIN(EmpDate) AS MinEmpDate FROM #tempEmployee GROUP BY EmployeeID)
SELECT n.EmployeeID,
FROM MinDate n 
INNER JOIN MaxDate x ON n.EmployeeID = x.EmployeeID
ORDER BY n.EmployeeID;
DROP TABLE #tempEmployee;


EmployeeID  MinEmpDate  MaxEmpDate
11111       2021-01-10  2021-12-10
22222       2021-01-11  2021-11-11
