#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct record
int id;
char name[257];
float age;
struct record *next;
int main(void)
int i = 1;
struct record *firstrecord = (struct record *)malloc(sizeof(struct record));
firstrecord->id = 1000;
char firstname[] = "John Doe";
memcpy(firstrecord->name, firstname,strlen(firstname) + 1);
firstrecord->age = 24.5;
firstrecord->next = NULL;
struct record *mostrecentlycreated = firstrecord;
int iyes = 1;
char cyes;
int yes = 1;
while (yes == iyes)
// build next node
mostrecentlycreated->next = (struct record *)malloc(sizeof(struct record));
// change data in new record
int newid;
char newname[257];
char temp;
float newage;
char cnewage[257];
printf("Enter the name: ");
newid = 1000 + i;
printf("Enter the person's age: ");
newage = atof(cnewage);
mostrecentlycreated->id = newid;
memcpy(mostrecentlycreated->name,newname,strlen(newname) + 1);
mostrecentlycreated->age = newage;
mostrecentlycreated = mostrecentlycreated->next;
mostrecentlycreated->next = NULL;
// decide whether or not to keep going
printf("Do you wish to continue? 1\0 ");
iyes = atoi(&cyes);
struct record *traverse = firstrecord;
while (traverse != NULL)
printf("Employee id is %i; Employee Name is %s; Employee Age is %fn",traverse->id,traverse->name,traverse->age);
traverse = traverse->next;
return 0;
Enter the name: john doe
Enter the person's age: 23
Do you wish to continue? 1 0
Employee id is 1001; Employee Name is john doe
; Employee Age is 23.000000
Employee id is 0; Employee Name is ; Employee Age is 0.000000
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct record
int id;
char name[257];
float age;
struct record *next;
int main(void)
int i = 1;
struct record *firstrecord = (struct record *)malloc(sizeof(struct record));
firstrecord->id = 1000;
strncpy(firstrecord->name, "John Doe", 257);
firstrecord->age = 24.5;
firstrecord->next = NULL;
struct record *mostrecentlycreated = firstrecord;
const int cyes = 1;
int iyes = 1;
while (iyes == cyes)
// build next node
struct record *newrecord = (struct record *)malloc(sizeof(struct record));
// change data in new record
newrecord->id = 1000 + i;
printf("Enter the name: ");
fgets(newrecord->name, 257, stdin);
printf("Enter the person's age: ");
scanf("%f", &(newrecord->age));
newrecord->next = NULL;
mostrecentlycreated = newrecord;
// decide whether or not to keep going
printf("Do you wish to continue? 1\0 ");
scanf("%d", &iyes);
struct record *traverse = firstrecord;
while (traverse != NULL)
printf("Employee id is %i; Employee Name is %s; Employee Age is %fn", traverse->id, traverse->name, traverse->age);
traverse = traverse->next;
traverse = firstrecord;
while (traverse != NULL)
struct record *nextrecord = traverse->next;
traverse = nextrecord;
return 0;