



.byte 0x25,0x64,0x0 ; 2 digits / integers that our program will output
pushl %ebp ; we save %ebp for later usage
movl %esp,%ebp ; we set register %ebp to point to the stack frame
subl $12,%esp ; subtracts 18 bytes from the stack pointer (esp). This allocates 18 bytes of space on the stack to be used for variables.
movl $0,-12(%ebp)
leal -4(%ebp),%eax ; subtracks -4 from the memory address of ebp and stores it at register eax
pushl %eax ; we store register eax for later usage
pushl $.LC0
call __isoc99_scanf ; reads from io port / waiting for key input
movl $1,-8(%ebp)
leal 8(%esp),%esp ; adds +8 to stack pointer memory address
movl -4(%ebp),%edx
cmpl -8(%ebp),%edx ; compares our input number with an incremented number
jl .L3 ; if incremented number is equal or bigger than input number goto .L3
movl -8(%ebp),%edx
addl %edx,-12(%ebp)
incl -8(%ebp)
jmp .L2 ; loop / another addition to our input
pushl -12(%ebp)
pushl $.LC0 ; we push the argument to print function
call printf ; prints result on screen
xorl %eax,%eax ; sets %eax to zero
leave ; leave copies the frame pointer to the stack point and releases the stack space formerly used by a procedure for its local variables. leave pops the old frame pointer into (E)BP, thus restoring the caller's frame.
ret ; returns to address located on the top of the stack```




.byte 0x25,0x64,0x0 ; 2 digits / integers that our program will output


subl $12,%esp ; subtracts 18 bytes from the stack pointer (esp).
; This allocates 18 bytes of space on the stack to
; be used for variables.


leal -4(%ebp),%eax ; subtracks -4 from the memory address of ebp
; and stores it at register eax

这个解释令人困惑。leal指令接受一个内存操作数,并将该操作数的有效地址存储到寄存器操作数中。因此,在本例中,它计算-4(%ebp)的地址(即ebp加上4的内容)并将其存储到eax中。所以是eax = ebp + 4。这是用来获取scanf使用的一块堆栈内存的地址。

pushl %eax ; we store register eax for later usage
pushl $.LC0

这不会保存eax以供以后使用。相反,eax被作为下一个scanf调用的参数压入堆栈。同样,下面的指令将字符串.LC0的地址压入堆栈,准备一个类似scanf("%d", &x)的scanf调用,其中x-4(%ebp)的变量。

call __isoc99_scanf ; reads from io port / waiting for key input



leal 8(%esp),%esp ; adds +8 to stack pointer memory address


movl -4(%ebp),%edx
cmpl -8(%ebp),%edx ; compares our input number with an incremented number
jl .L3 ; if incremented number is equal or bigger
;than input number goto .L3
movl -8(%ebp),%edx
addl %edx,-12(%ebp)
incl -8(%ebp)
jmp .L2 ; loop / another addition to our input


pushl -12(%ebp)
pushl $.LC0 ; we push the argument to print function
call printf ; prints result on screen

再一次,这类似于printf("%d", z),其中z-12(%ebp)的变量。

ret ; returns to address located on the top of the stack

